Read by Council Improved skin Customization web interface

    Feb 24, 2015
    Reaction score
    So. Uploading skins is a pain in the neck. I have some ideas for easy improvement.
    Suggestion 1: Separate skins and suits. Have one .ping for the suit and helmet, and another for the head. Like there already is, but reverse the heads because that's fairly annoying.
    Suggestion 2: Allow uploading of individual .ping files. Combine Compression with uploading if necessary.
    Suggestion 3: Allow independent selection of suit skin and head skin. This allows for us to have *5 the customization with the same number of storage usage

    Also: this is clearly a matter of opinion, but i think shading should be determined by texture pack and not by player skin.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I completely agree on compression.
    Star-Made does not support indexed colours which would reduce data size by a lot.
    And PNG does not support different colour-tables (indexed colours) for different parts of a file AFAIK.

    I mean:
    Who needs the bit for 100 different grades of purple on a Yellow Hazard Suit skin if purple is only the flash-light?
    Who needs data for all the unused space?

    As long as SM provides command-line & UI, Java-based tool for loss-less transition between .smSkin and .png, it could have it's own format!

    And if we had different default skins to select from (and hue-shift for different colours), further compression can be done for most players or NPCs.