Improve PVP and Fleet Coordination by...


    GDPR 302420

    Hello StarMade citizens

    Today i wish to propose a few suggestions to make combat more varied, fun and challenging as well as improve coordination in groups, I've gotten these ideas from popular space games such as Elite: Dangerous and EVE Online

    Firstly to get rid of the "Biggest Ship Wins" principle StarMade has and force people to use different ship sizes for different encounters i propose the SIGNATURE RADIUS SYSTEM:

    A signature radius system how it works is simple in principle:
    A ships total mass will determine its signature radius for so example a 1000 mass ship may have a 1000 signature radius
    Each weapon group will have a "Fire Radius" different weapons of the same size will have different values for example:
    1000 group missile system may have 1000 Base Fire Radius and +500% Addition Fire Radius (seeing as missiles are currently in my opinion the most effective weapon) so that's 6000 Fire Radius
    1000 group Cannon system may have 1000 Base Fire Radius and +400% Additional Fire Radius (as cannons are the second most effective imo) So that's 5000 Fire Radius
    1000 group Damage Beam system may have 1000 Base Fire Radius and a +300% Additional Fire Radius (As beams are the 3rd most effective imo) so that's 4000 Fire Radius
    1000 group damage pulse system may have 1000 base Fire Radius and an +200% additional Fire Radius (as damage pulse is the least effective imo) so thats 3000 Fire Radius
    Now here is the part that matters:
    If a ships weapons Fire Radius is larger than the Signature Radius of the ship it is fighting then the damage output of the debuffed by a certain percentage depending on the size of the Bigger Ships Weapons Fire Radius and the smaller ships Signature Radius
    So for example
    a 10k mass missile system (60k fire radius) fires is missiles at a 10k total mass ship because the signature radius of the target is 10k and the fire radius of the missile system is 60k the missile does 500% less damage to the target (so 1% less for every 1000 fire radius more then signature radius)
    so does that mean that small ships are invincible against larger ones
    NOPE: because the next section in my short story covers how signature radius can be increases when conditions are met here is a list
    When a target is charging their jump drive or jumping their signature radius is increased by 300%
    When a target is firing missile their signature radius is increased by 50%
    When a target is firing cannons their signature radius is increased by 35%
    When a target is firing damage beams their signature radius is increased by 20%
    When a target is firing damage pulses their signature radius is increased by 10%
    When a target is using a Standalone Overdrive Effect, Ion Effect or Piercing Effect Systems their signature radius is increased by 75%
    When a target is using Standalone Explosive Effect, Pull Effect, Push Effect or Stop Effect Systems their signature radius is increased by 50%
    When a target is using Standalone EMP Effect or Punch-Through Effect Systems their signature radius is increased by 30%

    This will make combat varied, fun and as stated above remove the Biggest Ship Wins principle this games combat system is relient on.

    Secondly i Propose my 2 cents on Warp Drive Blocking:

    I reckon that Some kind of "bubble" could be deployed that stops warping out of that bubble this is useful for fleet battles where the a faction/group doesn't want their targets escaping as currently in StarMade anouther combat principle is "If you think you cannot win Jump out then your enemy won't find you" this needs to be fixed.

    I also believe that it is necessary to add something that is left behind when you jump out, this object may be scanned/entered with a specialty system that allows you to jump to the targets destination, this also helps get rid of the "once you jump you win" principle that StarMade is using.

    In my honest opinion i believe that it could be implemented that when a jump drive module is activated the target will auto align so the front of their ship faces their destination and once that happens ships take about 2-3 seconds to reach warping speed so they can still be hit while jumping until they reach warping speed, finally i think that jumping should take 15 seconds rather than around 3 and during this time a special system could be used to target a ship in warp and within range and force the jump drive to re-direct its course to the ship using the systems sector, this could make jumping more risky and more fair so when they jump the fight isn't over.

    My 3rd and final Proposal is to improve efficiency of fleet formation tactics and communication:

    Firstly we have groups that can be formed by players and invite others to their group this "fleet" can then share their position on the map with others as well as allow the next suggestions to be possible.

    Fleet Waypoints, Priority Targets and Markers, these system is simple UI modifications that a fleet commander can set:
    Fleet Waypoint: Sets a waypoint on everyone in that fleets UI that can be warped to multiple waypoints can be set so that a specific path can be taken rather than a direct route
    Priority Targets: Fleet commanders can place a marker on a target that indications its kill priority for example a larger target could be set with priority 1 and a smaller one could be set with priority 2.
    Markets: Waypoints that are shared with everyone in a fleet and that can be targeted to warp to from the waypoints panel in navigation can be used to set rally points, retreat points etc

    And that's it i hope you like my ideas constructive criticism welcome but please be gentle

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Hmm. I think this idea is a good idea in general.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    I like it. Could use some refining here and there, but it's nice.
    Sep 24, 2014
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    This is a rough outline for an idea, however big-ships should always win. That's the thing- there can never be a 100k mass that loses to a 50k mass. Absolutely never unless the 50k mass has a captain with insane skill, or the 100k mass ship has a loser captain/terrible ship.

    Also, here's some calculations to show how difficult it would be to hurt an enemy.
    I'm a 100,000 block missile system and the enemy is a 1k mass ship.
    100,000 thousand missile blocks = 600,000 fire radius
    600,000 - 1k = 599,000. 599,000 / 100 = 5,990%. So that's -5,990% damage.
    500,000 damage in 100,000 missile blocks -5,990% = negative 29,400,000 damage.
    Or if the -5,990% damage is given as a shield buff to the enemy instead of subtracting from my damage, the enemy would have a whopping 2,378,742 shields(40% of the enemy is shields, so 400 blocks+5,990%). My gun does 500,000 damage, so I could never break the shielding. We also can't apply the damage to the HP because then the enemy ship would have to keep track of all entities doing HP damage and their fire radii.

    So how is the reduction in damage going to be calculated? It can't be done linearly, and also can't be done by reducing weapon damage, or by increasing ship shields/HP(because it would be dependent on which entity shot it{and whether or not they've changed}).

    GDPR 302420

    I'm not suggesting that 50k mass ships should ever have to engage 100k mass ships the whole point of my idea was to force ships of the same size to engage each other and if not they would BOTH have a hard time beating each other not just the smaller ship although i definitely see your point about how it would be calculated my calculation method was only a rough draft does a logarithmic scale sound good?

    I'm thinking of a scale where a 1000 mass ship would be unable to fight a ships above a certain mass unless a debuff relative to the mass of the attacker do you have any ideas for an alternate scale?

    GDPR 302420

    Bumping thread in hope that the devs will see this