If I drop credits, will they stay there until they are picked up, or will they disappear after a whi

    Oct 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    I just started playing on a server that upon death you lose 40% of your credits. So I figured I'd store the bulk of My cash at home in the event I get ganked while I'm out cruising space. I can't find a means of storing credits in a plexstorage block. The only means of moving credits that I can find is the "Drop Credits" button, which drops the credits in space right in front of you. If I do this, will the credits disappear after a while (Like dropped pirate loot), or will they stay there indefinitely, until someone comes along and picks them up?

    I was thinking of putting a shop block in My station and depositing the credits into that, like a bank, but I assume another player could come along and sell a bunch of junk and bankrupt My sorry ass.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    I was suggesting that we should store credits in a plex storage, but I was a bit ignored...

    For my faction, our currency is ore. We buy ore from shops and store it.