
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    I have a few ideas I would like to share. These ideas are about the persitence of the world and how you go about upgrading and how your action can affect the world around you.

    Upgrading: I think this gose without saying. That in order to support bigger ships, you need bigger ship computers. This would make it so we can have bigger ships that can fly at decent speeds and support more power, and more moduels.

    Trade: It is good you got the ground work going. For the shops, I believe making them look more upgraded the more tade passes through them would be really kool. giving players a chance to actually try and take shops on. making the world more interesting.

    NPC's : Not sure how this would work. But maybe having ships that protected shops. This would make it so the more trade with one shop the better that shop becomes and gets upgrades to protect itself. Make NPC's have trade ships that travel from one shop to the next. give the player the oppertunity to become a pirate. That would be kool.

    Here are just some ideas that I believe that would be good for implementation.

