Ideas for the current and future space traveler

    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    When I imagine ships, I imagine them being full of technologies of different types. Currently in this game, I see a large empty hull with very little tech. Here is a list of suggestions I have:


    1. Beam weapons- Currently, salvage lasers are being used as weaponry to harrass other players. I think we should have a beam based weapon that does not pierce shields but does good damage to blocks while having high energy costs.

    2. Salvage lasers- With the above, salvage lasers should not be able to salvage any ship materials at all, only natural materials. This would make players use it for its intended purpose. Salvage lasers like the beam weapons should not pierce shields. Now, for those who do build their ship out of natural materials, and I've seen several of them, are in trouble.

    3. Ship death- When you disable a ship, the core starts to count down and players must rush in if they want to salvage anything, and when its done the whole ship just disappears. I believe that when the core does blow up, it should destroy all blocks with in a certain radius, but leave the rest as a drifting hulk of metal. So small ships will be completely destroyed while large ships only have a big hole in them, leaving the rest salvagable.

    4. Kinetic weapons- A new type of weapon that is like a regular cannon, it shoots a solid projectile. The "bullet" that is fired does not do much physical damage to blocks, but it should, given enought block grouping, throw the ship off course, the bigger the gun the bigger the impact.


    1. Different types of thrusters- just simply different types of engines that produce different results on ships. Like some made for small ships and some others designed to work in groups for large ships.

    2. Trust change- the current speed limit of 50 km/h seems a bit odd to me. I think the ship should have a calculation based on the mass of the ship that defines its speed limit. This would allow more reasonable speeds for different ships.

    3. Fuel/Nebula- if you have engines, you must have something to burn. I think adding fuel cells would provide more to engine rooms and a sense of urgency in players when they start to run low. Different engines could have different fuel costs as dicussed earlier. Fuel could be bought at shops or be harvested from nebulas that are spawned randomly like asteroids. You would be able to fly through the nebula and harvast it using a new module that sucks up the nebula and turns it into fuel for ships.

    4. Warp drives- an additional type of block that allows a ship to warp to placed warp beacons. The warp beacons could be placed by hand much like a ship core. Warping would require a vast amount of energy and will vary based on mass and distance.


    1.Life support- I know this is bound to happen, but here is my suggestion anyway. Players cannot stay out side their ship forever, maybe a long time, but they should die eventually. Life support systems in the ship should produce air at the cost of energy. Air blocks would be invisible to players and fill up the ship. When a hull is breached, the air escapes, the air level in the UI drops, and it must be replaced. This would also encourage the use of airlocks for entering or exiting a ship.


    1. Components menu- I think the ability to moddify weapons in the weapons menu is a great idea, But I think i shoul not stop there, we should be able to moddify most if not all of our modules in the ship, and thus the weapons menu would be called the components menu.

    2. Better navigation- The navigation menu should have a display of a map of your vacinity with markers for your waypoints that you set and warp locations as dicussed earlier.

    I know some of these have already been suggested, and I appologize for that. I would appreaciate your opinions. More to come.
    Jul 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    I love all the ideas. I just want to put some of my input on here. The beam weapons should not penetrate the shields. They should be like phase cannons They must bring the shields down then they can start hitting the hull. I also LOVE the air idea. I would also like on the beam weapons to be a \"turret\" essentially. You could have a phaser CPU and you could look around and shoot, but you would not have to leave the ship to do it like on a regular turret. The warp drive is exactly what i was thinking but you can place a warp beacon down you can just launch it from your ship and is invisible to other players so they can\'t destroy it. Also the warp would have a cooldown. There should be an antimatter engine instead of those powerblocks. You could buy matter and antimatter to fuel the engine and if it breaches the inside starts leaking and it destroys whatever block it comes in contact with. Then you would have to have warp coils to actually warp. I think it would be much better. Love the ideas! keep them up!