Ideas for Starship Decoration

    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I am currently building a massive starship, most likely titan-class, and a thought came to me. What about inside the ship? For instance, the bridge will look rather bare. So, I thought of an idea. Why not add some of the following features for ship decor:


    Captain's Chair: Can be used similarly as a ship core, if you press 'R' to enter it, you pilot the ship. Your character avatar should appear in it, even if you activated the ship core. Should also be able to be used as a Cockpit. Should have multiple designs.

    Bridge Crew Chairs: Chairs that can be connected to various things like weapons computers and the like. Similar function as Captain's chairs. Should have multiple designs.

    Regular Chairs: Just that. A chair you can seat a character avatar in. Should have mulitple designs.

    Tables: Just that. A table. Should also have multiple designs.


    Computer Consoles: Similar to chairs in that they can connect to certain computers and be used like them. Perhaps they have differing displays.

    Display Consoles/Computer Screen: Displays ship information (shields, power, health etc.) on the screens, variable text sizes depending on amount of blocks placed on screen, and/or size of screen. Should be available in 2x2, 2x3, 3x3 etc. sizes, or work if they are placed adjacently in those sizes.

    Cameras: Placable blocks that can be used like Cockpits, except that one cannot see through them using the Ship Core. You must use a veiwscreen.

    Viewscreens: Can be connected to Cameras and work similarly to Computer Screens. Displays the veiwpoint of one camera it is connected to. Should be available in 1x1, 3x4, 4x6, etc. screen sizes.

    Nameplates: Something that can project either the name of the ship or any other writing one wants on the ship onto itself. Can be made larger if still maintaining a rectangular shape.

    Anything else you guys can think of? Leave it in the comments!
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Personally i wouldn\'t mind seeing beds or radios for music or just block with no real purpose but to simply add a little extra to fill all the empty space you have in your large ships or space stations.

    I also like your ideas they would defiantly make every thing look nicer.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Ya i can see all of that more interior stuff working, because ships usually are pretty bare on the inside. I also really like the idea of a second entrance because is always hard to protect your core and have to keep a way into it. Also the bride crew chairs would give a reason to recruit members for your ship witch would be very nice, but maybe they should be able to work like a turret for weapons so it\'s a little more controllable for them to use weapons without having the whole ship to turn for them. basically besides that i think every thing else would work.
    Oct 18, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    The chair idea is wonderful. Right now, mine are just made out of brown hull blocks. What if the cockpit module was just replaced with a chair. I think that would look more aestecially pleasing.

    I posted something similar about viewscreens: . The basic idea is we could assign images to our screens based on their size.
    Nov 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Remote turret controls - allow avatars to remotely controll special, turret cores (that cant be undocked) from somewhere deeper in the ship.
    Having cores that cant be undocked will also help with turrets falling off, accedental undocking, and clipping/collision warping on larger ships that take longer to load when you buy them.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    I posted a thread (with most of the ideas you mentioned) earlier, but it died off pretty quickly, glad to see someone else has these ideas!

    I really like the on ship CCTV idea.
    Jul 27, 2013
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    Shema should add Sign too..

    for to sign like: Room Of Control.

    Elecricity Room

    ect.. or just to indicate thing..
    Oct 29, 2013
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    Chairs, veiwscreens ( best idea in my opinion), and blocks that let you remotely open doors, and lock them, so you can control all the doors on your ship, while standing next to the captains chair, and watching your prisoners, who are trapped in their cells, from the veiwscreens in your bridge. Being able to hail someone would be cool too.
    Aug 11, 2013
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    if this was implemented i WHOULD NEVER have to use the corner peices for making chairs again! i could acually have a freaking chair in my massive ass vessel