Ideas for future updates

    Sep 30, 2013
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    I have been trying to come up with ideas for Starmade.

    Hear are my ideas.

    -Tracter Beam: A beam that will pull ships in. Also the larger the ship that is being moved the more tractor beam blocks you need

    -Phasers: A more powerfull version of AMC's

    -Guns: More powerfull hand guns

    -Liquid pyhiscs: Water and lava flow

    -Credits in storage: You are able to store credits

    -Freindly mobs: Ship that you can trade with and are friendly

    -Weather on planets: Can damage you your ship and the planet's surface

    -Charater moves faster: A way to get around faster when your not in your ship core

    -Peronal armor/sheilds: Armor that you can wear so you are not as easily damaged

    -Gass clouds/random phenomenons: Some can be harmfull to you or your ship

    -Moons: Orbit around planets

    -Photon Torpedos: A more powerfull version of missles

    -Comets: Made of ice and ice crystalsand some rock

    -Metorites: Periodicly crash down on planets. Meterorite blocks have high value

    -Astroid Field: orbits around suns

    -Metotropolis: A city with bulidingand, roads and factories and posibly npc's
    Jul 11, 2013
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    All of these have been suggested before... Please search the forums for your suggestion to prevent duplicate suggestions.
    Sep 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    I would hate flowing water and lava. Its already hard enough to deal with.
    Aug 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I like all though things to be in the game and I hope schema south added more generated structures
    Sep 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    The way you described them means you make amc and missiles pointless and also since liquid has no gravity holding it together in space it floats of. Have fun flying next to a lava asteroid
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Repeated ideas are actually good because they are more likley to be implemented. I agree with op\'s ideas 100%
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Phasers: Wouldn\'t mind there being more expensive weapon versions, like the hulls.

    Guns: I believe it was already said this was planned.

    Liquid pyhiscs: It wouldn\'t flow if its in space, and it might be difficult to implement with how gravity works. Don\'t be too hopefull on this just yet.

    Credits in storage: Yes please

    Freindly mobs: Sort of already exists. Has room for improvement, but only if it is implemented well

    Weather on planets: So we have to have spacestations for bases now? Planets are only good for harvesting resources if ships can be damaged. How much of a planet do you have to salvage until the weather stops?

    Charater moves faster: More importantly to me is to be able to orient my character so I don\'t have to nude my ship with a different one for 20 minutes to get in it.

    Peronal armor/shields: Ok, if there are hand guns then sure. Also a way to heal probably should come first.

    Gass clouds/random phenomenons: I\'m fine with it as long as they are uncommon and avoidable. Should only be a hazard if we choose to do it (strategy to escape pursuing pirates/players maybe?)

    Moons: Planets are already small. And I think planets don\'t even orbit (haven\'t checked).

    Photon Torpedos: See phasers. The name might need to be different though, since its an obvious steal from a popular source.

    Comets: I\'m pretty sure there already are some asteriods made of ice and rock.

    Metorites: Not so sure on this one. Do they do damage? If no one collects them, then you will have layerings/pillars covering the planet. Even if they only fall rarely, accumulation will be a problem. I don\'t know if the engine as it currently is could support objects that aren\'t ships moving like that.

    Astroid Field: Would be cool. Don\'t know if orbiting mechanics are implemented though. Current asteroids stay still even if rammed pretty sure. Would be cool to have asteroid fields slow down large ships so that small ships could escape them. As long as the large ships wouldn\'t have to keep going through asteroid fields while traveling.

    Metotropolis: No. This can be a mod if you want. Don\'t make it part of the default game.