Ideas compiled from chat


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
    Reaction score

    -Lifts double as ladders when used on ships

    -Build Mode break down by block type that can also report unlinked blocks

    -Specialized star-rating system for aesthetically designed ships.

    -Pirate decor should include a carbonite statue with a creepy twist.

    -Use two methods of FTL travel. Gates and Hyperspace (the latter for areas already visited once) also include a hyperspace inhibitor.

    -RTS console to tactically deploy AI based ships which would include salvaging, combat and patrolling.


    I've compiled this short list of suggestions based on chats with experienced players, thanks and shoutouts go to Calibri, beetlebear, Doomsider, Chevellaise, Crusade, Planr and severeal others whoms names escape me just now. Oh, Pholopalus and MichealSeph too. They'll be more names added; I'm sure.

    Lifts do not work on ships, we're all in the know on that but what if we could just climb a set of lifts like they were a ladder? Installing lifts in ships -now- in hopes they will be fixed -eventually- would seem a bit more productive right away. It would make some of the ship interiors much easier to work in too.

    Build Mode is very robust but it would be useful to have a console command or something similar to break down the block count of the currently active ship. How many hull pieces of what type, how many power generators, how many shield dispersers and how many cannons/launchers including those that are incorrectly linked.
    Example breakdown: (It's a dead simple ship) 1 Ship Core 7 SD HCT xm3.5 Power Block 20 Grey Hull 1 Weapon Computer 5 Antimatter Cannon (3 unlinked) 3 Hyperflux Coil Thruster

    We have a star-rating based system for blueprints. I would like to propose a system for a ship museum of sorts; based on voting from the forums. Ships with excellent interior and exterior designs would be placed in births outside the normal sector system. A gate from spawn would allow any user access to the main museum hall with blocks that, when activated, display still images of one of the ships rated highest in the forum. This display block would be able to offer the option to go to that ship. Agreeing to visit the ship would take you to another space where you can explore the interior, exterior and assume control of the ship without the ability to save a blueprint. Upon leaving the visitor is asked to rate the ship based on its aesthetic properties.

    I had planned to give this idea to beetlebear but I hadn't caught him in the chat long enough. A nice 2 block high carbonite statue for pirate bases. When the two parts of the decoration are combined (A on top of B and both facing the same direction) they exude a low hum and glow softly so you can see the details of the statue. When the camera looks away the hum becomes sharp for a moment the returns to normal. Looking back at the normally docile features of the statue's surface reveals they have changed. The character trapped in the statue now has glowing eyes and mouth and the hands, previously at its sides, look like they are trying to grab you.
    Proposed Description:
    Dr Plex's Ultra Realistic Statue: A reproduction of a prop from a popular play-vid. Yes. "reproduction".

    A two pronged method of tackling Faster Than Light travel. Primarily, Gates. You travel through a gate on conventional drives and then move normally to the sector within that system that is your destination. (Secondarily) You can then Hyperspace back and forth between that point and any other place you've visited within that system. The exception to this would be your faction home base and spawn which you can hyperspace to any time and the proposed museum which would never be accesible via hyperspace. Placing a hyperspace inhibitor block would keep users from other factions from using hyperspace to travel where the block is placed. This only affects one sector the station AND inhibitor block exist in and none adjecent. It would be possible to place an inhibitor block in faction home sectors but not spawn, shop or gated sectors. The inhibitor block would require a large power source, be purchased by a faction member and placed in a station owned by that faction and be prohibitively expensive.

    The RTS console would be an advanced version of the Bobby AI interface. It would allow you to group AIs and then dispatch them on specific missions. Let's build three AI controlled miners. These miners require three things to function: A Bobby, a Salvage comp + cannons and a Plex box. (You'd likely also need some power and thrusters) You can then point the group of miner bots at an observable object, a derelict station, ship an asteroid etc. It has to either be within the AI Group's sensor range or your own. Once the target is salvaged (or the plex box is filled) the AIs would return to faction home or your current location. Alternativly you could have ships patrol sectors bordering your home faction base or current position. Docked AI ships could also be called to actively undock to deal with a target then automatically redock once objectives are met. This would also allow management of plex boxes aboard docked ships either on your current ship or the faction home base. AI controlled combat craft could be directed to attack observable hostile craft. This would exclude neutral or friendly ships, even if neutral is treated as hostile.
    May 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I love all of these things. The RTS could get a little wierd, I would say that is a \"DISTANT future\" thing.


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    The RTS system would subplant the existing AI system which is fairly limited. It\'d be fun as hell to debug too.
    Think of it all as just a series of lists to select from. Later on a GUI map system would be nice tho.
    May 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 7
    • Modder
    • Top Forum Contributor
    I think that would be the greatest thing to play with, You should be able to use the universe map (k) for this!
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I imagine that the game is about doing things with a ship and less about spending a third (or more) of a 24 hour day constructing one. I think that build mode needs to be improved in such a way that you can do bigger things faster and with more precision. say i had a large main fusalage for my ship and i wanted some large startrek style nacells. Then i would (as i imagine it currently) open a design interface where i can choose a simple shape to work from. lets say that it\'s a rectangular prism, so i choose to have it long and skinny and short, then rounded in in a way that more closely resembles a oviod cylinder with tapered or ovoid domes on the ends, and then i could fill them with sheild and power blocks, or whatever i choose. And then i could activate a mirroring tool so i could make some symetrical fine adjustements using the conventional mode. then i could choose the whole thing and have it replace all grey hulls with hardened black hulls. Happy with the result, i choose to add my assembly to the whole ship.i find that i want two of them, so i activate a mirror mode to allow me to place them perfectly. Just in case, i have a setting selected so that my new addition doesnt cause my ship to become incapable of docking. Now that i am happy with the way my ship looks, i press a \'finish\' button and suddenly my changes appear in real gamespace. Now i can look at a little ship statistics window to ensure that I have things the way i want them, like good ship dps, a positive net power generation as compared to the greatest possible power consumption. happy, i fly my ship and kick butt. What would be really impressive would be if large placements of power blocks could use an algorythm to ensure that the blocks are layered with maximum efficiency as explained in this video