Idea's and such to improve or atleast make the game alot more fun!

    Jun 30, 2013
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    okay so i made this topic to suggest new features for the game so im gonna cut the crap out about how much i love it etc etc (aint goin gay)


    so first of all i find it annoying that i have to spend HOURS flying from shop to shop buing the same hull to make a huge ship for my faction so maybe shop restocking would be cool to have. but i guess auto restocking is boring so maybe if the shop got changed a bit and had a docking area or something where supply ships came and unloaded whatever the shop needed to refill again would be cool. also it could be a convoy you could ambush and raid for their treasure! i guess you catch my drift


    more types of hulls like super tough ones with lots of health and armor ETC


    the top speed of your ship. no matter how many thrusters you cant go faster than 50 :( i love speed so maybe you could buy more expesive thrusters to reach higher speeds? ofcourse not insane speeds but just a little faster would be cool


    maybe more tier shields? just like the hulls


    more gunz! if you had more tiers of beam weapons everything would be better! i mean who doesnt like shooting people to kingdom come or whatever the english folks say


    different pirate ships and also maybe make them spawn alone instead of packs of 5-8... i got my fighter destroy several times


    reduce pirate loot maybe. i killed 1 ship and got 600 blocks of some ore... i earned 400000000+ from just that... and that wasnt everything it dropped XD i ended up with 702000000 from 1 pirate ship

    and the stations only gave me around 50000 credits IT MAKES NO SENSE!


    maybe add little towns or maybe natives on the planets? or maybe meet a friendly AI faction who is living in a space station like the pirates


    real turrets. those turret docking modules is kinda hard to use and the ai block is glitched. for me it doesnt move and it doesnt shoot at the enemy but i can make it shoot if i set it to selected target, select the enemy and face the turret towards him... also it doesnt move by it self so its kinda useless so a turret block maybe would be nice to have (if your friends could enter them they would be 100% more epic)


    fix the damn missiles and nerf them! the d1000 or whatever cant shoot while moving. the one who locks on to the target sometimes wont shoot when flying straight. and the nerf bit... with a large enough rocket launcher you ran remove ANYTHING. i made a battlecruiser who removes half of the pirate station i was gonna attack. 1 rocket and boom the entire top bit is gone


    so this is it. sorry for the massive wall of text but oh well :D nothing to do about it

    you dont have to agree with everything i think should be added but some of it or something like that would be nice

    Jun 29, 2013
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    1] Sure, restocking after a period of time makes sense and is more than achievable.

    2] Yeah, but as well as \'super tough\' ones, I would enjoy seeing lightened hulls for players who want the reduction in mass

    3] Yeah, this is put down to 50 kmph for lag reasons, but I would like to see it being an easily changed value in the game options, rather than having to dig into the files to change it.

    4] Eh, shields would have to be rebalanced, as they are really overpowered right now in bulk, before I have an opinion on this

    5] More weapons is a given, I would be suprised if they didn\'t do this. And the saying is blowing them to kingdom come, yes

    6] Yeah, the AI is scripted to use ships the player has saved, but it rarely happens, so some more default ones would be good, especially harder models.

    7] Yeah, L5 ore dropping for pirates is just a big pile of bull, they really need to fix it as at the moment money is no problem at all.

    8] More space Ai factions, sure, but the idea of natives on planets is a bit iffy imo.

    9] Yeah, turrets generally need a rethink, pretty buggy at the moment.

    10] Yep, the missile launchers are also in need of a rethink, missiles are too slow, too easy to spam for a massive planet destroyer, I would like to see them have a weaker attack on shields seeing as they are generally for anti hull stuff.
    Jun 7, 2013
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    1) Agreed, restocking, as well as decreasing amount of rare items or those the shop is full of (so players can sell some) would be good.

    2) No, I am against any tiers - it makes the value of design go down, as some rich players will start making godawful pieces of excrements, but fit with some uber blocks. The only exception is if those \'higher tiers\' would be only minimally better than the regular stuff to give some edge and wouldn\'t be available in the shops - instead, hard, long process of manufacture, with the use of rather unique ingredients would have to take place so only really lucky or powerful factions could deploy such - and not as a basic hull for everything that they\'ll ever use, but for example lattice of their capital ship\'s chasis.

    3) The limitation is because it was causing issues in the game and also made some fights horrible, since things were zipping past each other. I wouldn\'t mind slight adjustment of the speed, but not dependant on the thrusters, but weight - make fighters (say, up to the 40 of weight) go up to 60, then everything else to 50 with exception of bigger ships (say, 2000 up) that could actually go even slower than this, like 40. Right now it\'s actually bad that everything can be relatively fast and nimble, even real leviathans.

    4) No, I dislike the idea. Look ad 2.

    5) The only thing I lack right now is continuous beam emitter - something like salvage/astrotech one, but balanced and used for actual battle. Everything else can be practically achieved already. Need flak cannons? Strap several small AMC launchers onto a turret. Bombs? They would be rockets, especially in space where bombs need to be propelled or they\'d stay in the bay upon dismounting, tearing your bomber apart. Big cannons, small cannons, fast or slow firing - it all can be adjusted through the distribution of power percentage thing - which arguably should have more noticeable effect.

    6) More variety in groups, formations etc of pirates and other enemies would be nice and no doubt will come with time. Variety of ships, however, depends on you as pirates use stored blueprints when spawning.

    7) Yes, the loot is horribly unbalanced.

    8) Native races etc would need quite some work but generally - more planetary constructions, NPC factions etc is already planned.

    9) Turrets can move and shoot by themselves - you think AI modules are used for what? That being said, ability to access and control turrets through some Auxiliary Modules Consoles and the core, thus allowing multi-personnel ships with battle stations would be nice.

    10) Weapons and shields/hulls (whole attack and defense bit) are generally unbalanced for big ships and some sort of harsh scaling of power demand with the bigger sized cannons as well as maximal effective size would be greatly useful. On the other hand, in the example given, I don\'t know how big your battlecruiser is, but if the size is in the thousands, it should nearly one-hit KO such small, barely defended and unshielded station.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    thanks for the feedback or whatever. but the hulls idea.. i think it came out wrong what i actually thought would be a good idea is some lighter ones and also a little bit stronger ones so a single laser cannon doesnt tear my ship to shreds

    and the natives thing is just for shits n gigglez. it would make the planets more fun to explore if there is a base with little aliens on it and alot more fun to blow to hell if there is little fella\'s dying :D (maybe another kind if space station option for players to take would be to make them on planets)

    also the AI modules is used for both having friendly ai ships and turrets. if not why would there be a turret option?


    also a new thing. re balance the anti-matter cannons. i went on a server and a guy had 1000 shield cores onhis ship and a massive gun of around 7000 antimatter blocks he said. he fired a burst of like 20 shots in a second and they went straight through my ship just like that. took him 2 bursts to completely destroy me... (he recharges his burst in like a sec as well :( i kinda bough his schematic in the shop)


    maybe evil creatures on the so far abandoned space stations?
    Jun 7, 2013
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    I am under the impression that too many players forget that if one wants even thicker, harder hull, nothing prevents them for creating several layers of blocks - it\'s even realistic to a degree, because you can reinforce the hull only so far before you are forced to make it thicker to work. Too many players make one-block thick hull and then they wonder why it was shot through so easily.

    That being said hulls are, in general, somewhat underpowered in comparison with shields and generally horribly weak when in fights between big ships (which are generally considerd balance-wreckers by the community) as without making whole thick blocks of them, they are hardly any defense against bigger guns, nor they - logically - scale in attributes the same way shields do.