Idea: Turret Batteries (extended grouping of weapons)

    Jan 22, 2014
    Reaction score

    While we have lots of interesting ideas about weapons (types, balancing, etc.) and turrets (remote, more axis, etc.), even with the upcoming weapon change in mind, I came up with something I didn't find after searching.

    Would it be possible to "group" turrets into turret batteries. Meaning linking their turret docking ports to some sort of additional block (Turret Computer, Weapon Battery Node, etc.). When entering this block, you would get a similar 3rd person view like when entering a weapons computer. And when moving the view around, ALL linked turrets will start swaying that direction. Eventuall combine this with the idea of linking the weapon battery computer to a sd-cockpit, so you'd have a dedicated observation/view/aiming port for that battery. (This would more or less emulate the turret bahaviour of the later X:BTF games)

    Inter-turret-weapon-grouping could be difficult, since some players use several different types of turrets. But the quickbar could be chanced to show just all available weapon types from all linked turrets. Selecting a BB missile would let fire all turrets that have the missile computer, of course.

    Any additions?
    Jan 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    This has been asked for under various names, and it is something schema has said he would like to implement. Setting turrets to groups with a unique hot bar for turret groupings in this mode is also something we have discussed, as it is a natural progression beyond just allowing the use of a single turret from the ships core. Rest assured, this is a function we are working towards.