i know i can, but how can i? (docked power reactors)

    Sep 29, 2014
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    I've got a ship with 80 hyperefficient docked reactors (745,164 e/sec using 597 generators (1248.18 energy/block))

    Problem is, I don't know how to set up the computers to get them all to fire via a teleswitch from the main ship, anyone have a resource for me?
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Once I activated 40 of them docked reactors, didn't cause any lag! However you don't need usually that many


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    If they are totally okay with people bypassing their limit, then theres no reason for their limit to exist. Its pointless now.
    It's not pointless because it provides another engineering skill leap in capital ship design. A docked reactor ship will win every time against a brick ship of equal size, unless alpha damage derped, but it takes much longer, and you have to design the entire ship around the docked reactors, which you have to balance perfectly, otherwise they'll drain power from the ship directly instead of recharging themselves, leading to a negative return on power.
    Dec 10, 2014
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    Dont try to make it seem like its a massive feat of engineering. Once you know how the game works, and people tell you that docked reactors are a thing you need to do to bypass an arbitrary limit placed in the game, they are pretty easy to build.

    And anybody can just go download a blueprint for a docked reactor and stick a dozen of them inside their ship. Or just go look at a guide to make whatever sized reactor they want.

    Docked reactors are just a bandaid placed over large wound.

    Its like when I joined a server and asked why advanced build mode was limited to only being able to place down 40x40x40 maximum, I was told because it makes the game more difficult by everyone on the server, completely overlooking the fact that it just makes people not want to build things on that server, and instead do it singleplayer where they can change their config to whatever they want. Its just a pointless limit that can be easily bypassed, and for some reason everyone thinks thats totally okay when its not.

    If you place a limit, and then everyone bypasses that limit because its stupid, your limit needs to change.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    the major flaw i've noticed with them is that they can be disabled quite easily. however this is only if they're docked externally, not internally.

    I think they are quite overpowered though
    Dec 10, 2014
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    Ever seen a large ship in a fight lose an internally docked reactor because something punched right through deep into the ship and hit the docking blocks?

    Server wide lag, and everyone in the sector reduced to 1fps as the physics calculations freak out and try to phase the reactor through the ships walls.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Ever seen a large ship in a fight lose an internally docked reactor because something punched right through deep into the ship and hit the docking?
    You've obviously never met my missiles.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    If they are totally okay with people bypassing their limit, then theres no reason for their limit to exist. Its pointless now.
    Well it still requires you to stop and build more complicated devices to accomplish the goal, which means you actually have to have some pre-planning and skill to pull it off. As opposed to newbies just building a huge things with no regards to anything.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    There's also the fact that destroying a couple power lines on a docked reactor will completely mess it up if it's built efficiently. Chopping power lines means that it'll produce less power, which will cause the power supply beams to draw more power than the reactor can generate and cause the reactor to draw power from the main ship.

    Docked reactors are a delicate thing, and unless it's built in a way that it wastes energy only a tiny bit of damage will make one completely useless (it doesn't need to undock).
    Dec 10, 2014
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    Okay so lets take a look here then shall we.

    -they essentially cheat and bypass a limit placed into the game by the devs to gain ludicrous power recharge rates up into the 10's of millions in a relatively small amount of space
    -they can be "complicated" to make and balance by new players, meaning only experienced players will have them
    -they are extremely delicate and taking damage ruins them completely
    -if they become undocked they reak havoc upon a server and everyone in the area as it clips into and trys to phase through things around it
    -they are docked and therefore do not contribute to the bonus damage a ship takes for having tons of system blocks

    Im still failing to see why they even need to be a thing, when removing the bonus limit stopping at 1,000,000 would remove almost all those problems.

    Ships would be easier for everyone to make(this isnt a bad thing at all people). Taking damage to your reactors wouldnt be as serious as a docked reactor taking damage, letting fights go on longer. No worrys about things getting undocked inside your ship and lagging everyone. And tons of reactor blocks in the ship means itll get the proper damage multiplier it gets when it takes damage for being so massive.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    Sorry crunk but it sucked ass before the softcap.

    Not sure how to fix it, but there was a thread where someone suggested a different kind of ship core for non weapons systems. So you could have all your cool rail doors and they wouldn't become misaligned with your ship when it started getting dunked, shredding the server.

    If these were compatible with logic power supply batteries that would be nice. It SHOULD be a pain in the ass to go over 1 mil e/sec, and there should be a mass penalty like you get with all the power supply modules. But yeah undocking structures inside ships are quite horrible.