Hyperspace! (Similar to Minecrafts Nether)

    Jul 11, 2013
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    I noticed that one of the things that alot of players want with there fast travel is hitting physical objects resulting in death.

    The problem with this is that we do not want people going over the servers specified speed limit, and simulating all of those blocks for collision would require actually loading them. Basicly, many of the currently proposed ideas have alot of technical difficulties involved.

    My Idea:

    There is a sort of parallel game world called hyperspace that, similar to the nether in minecraft, causes your coordinates to be divided by X(normaly 8) when you enter it, and divided by X when you leave again. Effectively multiplying the distance you have traveled by X.

    When you enter hyperspace you retain your current speed and heading while your controls become very unresponsive. Hyperspace does not cause your ship to slow down if you stop holding the forward key. You are still able to manuver a little, but on the average length trip you would be lucky to alter your trajectory by 20 degrees.

    Hyperspace would either look like you would expect the inside of the sun to look, or it would look like some sort of neon blue swirly thing. At the relative positions of all objects in the main world there would be a shaddow billboard which is basicly a dark gradient scaled to the objects relative size. There are two types of these "shadows", the first is planets and the sun which kill you on contact and probably cause your ship to be converted to items which then explode into the neares empty space in realspace. The second type are ships,staitions,roids, and other stuff which do not hurt you to pass through, but which will cause the same type of explosion if you try to leave hyperspace while colliding with them.

    Finally we have the blocks that are added with this feature, the "Hyper-Capacitor", and the "HyperCapController" There are several important aspects of this tech. first is that the amount of energy required to pull the ship into hyperspace scales with the dimensions of the ship. This energy is almost always significantly greater than the amount that even a ship which is 99% generators by weight could put out. As such each capacitor holds a large amount of energy that is refilled directly from your main power source. Additional caps over that required to enter hyperspace contribute to the time that you are able to stay in hyper space. There is a fixed cost per second of hyperspace travel which means that larger ships are better at long term hyper travel while small ships can do quick tactical hops if they specialize similar to cloaking.
    Entering hyperspace would ofc be done similar to all other weapons with the control computer.

    An important limitation of this system is that the hyperspace distance travled by your ship is almost entirely dependent upon the actual construction of your ship(you can speed/slow a little after entering hyperspace, but thats relatively small effect). Since docked ships are not counted as part of the dimensions of a ship, this system favors large carrier ships that run a dedicated route(you can make different capacitior subsystems for different jump distances). While also allowing small ships to make short tactical jumps.

    Another consequense of the system is that in small ships the energy usage is largely dominated by the cost of traveling through hyperspace, while in large ships it is dominated by the cost of entering hyperspace.

    Thats all I have on this for now, but later I may post my ideas for in game AI module improvements.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    You should also know then that having more than one world causes massive lag issues or serveral problems and can be used to get into peoples faction bases so nope from me :/
    Jul 11, 2013
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    You clearly did not actually read my post.

    It is very hard to control you exact emergence point in any way other than trial an error, and if you emerge anywhere in a sphere with a radius from an objects origin to the furthes block from the origen then you spontaniously explode.Not really so much explode as you die and all the blocks on your ship are converted to items which then explode, but you get the picture.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    Another way to do it, instead of spontanious combustion if you try to collide with a station or something related, every warp to a sector has a random deviant & spawns you somewhere away from all objects in the sector. wether its in a sector nearby, or whatnot.

    Also, a way for the cost to prevent the generator ship from perma-spacing, just force generators to output nothing while inside. relying on the capacity.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Servers are already pretty unstable (random kicks and the like) without having an entirely new world being put in. I agree with the lag issue as well, servers can barely handle large ship battles, now throw into that ships drifting in and out of hyper space. It all builds to a monster game crasher...

    But if, say, instead of creating a seperate world why not have the early version jump you to a predetermined sector. This would follow the Jump drive posts, but seems the most logical this early in the game. This is when you get a basic working overlay of the game, then you go in and bug fix/flesh out the smaller details in the beta.

    So your idea is really interesting, but I believe it would just be rolled over into the jump drive section (as there seems to be far more interest there rather than in hyperspace). The slow amount of movement does however cause problems as it would be virtually impossible to manuever out of the way of things flying your way. Instead there should be double to triple the power usage for movement to allow for quick direction changes, if this idea does catch on.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    I would do it a little bit simplier.

    You get a HyperGate block. You can place 4 of them in crossing formation to activate the gate. Each block produces a ray in its facing direction, and all four rays must meet up at some point (being in shared 2D plane). Unconnected gate block gives red ray, connected ones are producing yellow ray, and complete gate produces green rectangular matrix likely to docking ports, which determines the volume that gate reserves for its functioning (3rd dimension size is a summ of two others), otherwise it wont work. Any of these blocks can be accessed to activate the gate, see the gate size and manage security.

    When gate is valid, it can be activated to produce a wormhole, which would allow to jump to the other such gate (if their dimensions are same, and access is given), travelling about 1 sec-per-sec. Ship will perform the jump when it\'s core is passing trough the wormhole. Keeping the gate active drains tremendous amount of energy, mostly depending on the gate size, and require sizable investments to keep it running indefinitely. Upon arrival, ship\'s energy and shield are discharged dry.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Very good idea I like it a lot !

    However this suggestion need some few balance tweaks :

    - Each time you get shot you can\'t enter hyperspace for 5 seconds.

    - You can\'t use your weapons in the hyperspace.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    You were sorta right with that I hadn\'t read the post when instead I hadn\'t taken it in fully so here\'s a better version now that I\'ve done that and made sure I\'ve understood what you meant.

    It does seem like a good idea but instead of coming out of hyperspace you etheir make a small hole through whatever is there in the way like 20x20x20 if your 50x50x50 or more but if it\'s closer to your size you get an warning which gives you an small amount of time to readjust or face taking some damage to the ship. That is so people don\'t always take damage when coming out inside a planet accidently.

    But also since this is similar to star wars once you are in hyperspace you can travel through anything although it\'s gravity should effect you and you can use it to escape a battle although it requires time and it can rip the enemy ship in half if infront like in star wars battlefront 2 on the last campain mission (I think).

    However this is a good idea but needs work and Schema has already said that some sort of hyperdrive has been planed so this could be a mod to it when the game is stable but for now it should wait.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    I really think hyperspace(/speed/drive) should be like this. In my opinion it\'s the best way to make it in every aspect.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    Well, as every one who has ever asked me a question knows, I do know everything.
    Jul 23, 2013
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    Building on your Hyperspace idea, Ciber, instead of a completely different world having to be put in the game, perhaps the ships in Hyperspace could simply be \"phased\" by the server(with the ship being rendered invisible(to those without special high-end sensors!) and functioning similar to the camera in build mode, where you travel through blocks) then a client-side visual effect could be activated to give the illusion of being in Hyperspace. Everything else from your idea would be the same. On paper, it shouldn\'t change much performance/stability wise, and would achieve the same goal.

    Also perhaps a Star Trek like \"jump\" animation.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Instead of a seperate world, why not make it simpler. Have a boolean to say, determine wether or not your are in \'hyperspace,\' and if it is true, then your velocity is multiplied by some number which would depend on how much faster this hyperspace travel would be. While the boolean is true, all objects not in \'hyperspace\' are not drawn for the player, and the collision is not turned on. For players not in \'hyperspace,\' the players that are will also not be drawn, and perhaps make weapon shots pass through, though it is extremely unlikely you would hit them in the first place.

    Edit: Well it seems the guy above me also has the idea :P


    Jun 19, 2013
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    you could build stargates connecting 2 points together and just make a network of them connecting your planets together like on EVE

    or a translight/drive slipspace drive that opens a portal that lets you and any ship quick enough to follow you to a sector that has been entered into the navigation area like on HALO

    or an FTL Jump drive where you enter a sector number and you are taken there instantely like on battlestar galactica

    you could even use the natural slipspace entrypoints with a wormhole drive

    or a warp drive that creates a warp bubble around your ship that you can use to warp a whole fleet to a set sector these are all good ideas

    or you could have all of them and have differant factions using differant ones (the same way differant species would have differant technologies)

    In fact this is such a good idea i will post it
    Aug 4, 2013
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    B5 fand here. ;)

    I like the idea of hyperspace. Asuming it could be implemented with adding little stress to a server I\'d be all for it. While ships in B5 could open their own gates to hyperspace, in starmade I believe only player constructed gates should be used. The size of the gate determines the size of ship allowed to enter.

    I haven\'t checked out discussion on jump drives yet so I don\'t know the ideas pitched. This might be a more server friendly alternative to hyperspace. As long as limits to how far and how quickly it takes to jump are set I can live with this alternative.