Hull / Shield Rebalance

    Aug 26, 2013
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    Hey, does anyone think it would be a good idea to make hull and shield blocks much more expensive and hard to make? It would force individual systems to be target-able, would spawn very creative armoring jobs, might make shields and hull a choice instead of a "both duh" decision, and might add another dimension to combat. Perhaps combine this with making hull more resistant to rockets.


    Jan 19, 2014
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    The more expensive you make hull and shields, the more powerful alpha damage ships become. Alpha ships are already heavily ingrained into the meta. Currently shields and hull are choices, as they can both be substituted for other systems and other system can substitute them.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    Hey, does anyone think it would be a good idea to make hull and shield blocks much more expensive and hard to make? It would force individual systems to be target-able,
    The former has absolutely no relation to the latter.

    If you make hull and shield blocks more expensive it just means people will have to grind even more to get the resources they need to build their ships, and that's generally a very bad way to go gameplay-quality wise. Like Jasskinal pointed out, all it takes is one good hit from an alpha-damage ship and all those blocks you worked long and hard for will have meant nothing.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    Hey, does anyone think it would be a good idea to make hull and shield blocks much more expensive and hard to make?
    No. Producing Shield blocks already needs the rarest resources there are, and these resources has no substitutes. On average, building a battleship-sized ship would require you to mine the entire planet segment for both capsule types, or mining corresponding asteroids for several days, given the adequate in-game time. Situation with Shields is at least reasonable at the moment, though I wouldn't mind if they were easier to produce (would take less capsules by default, or at least less ores), so that it wouldn't be an ultimate bottleneck for producing ships as it is now.

    Armor situation is also "reasonable" - it is easier to obtain and there's several ways to accomodate your needs by using Crystal Armor and Forcefields to use ore materials for other purpoces. The problem here, is that different colors of armor require different ores/crystals, while rarity and laternative uses of these materials is not uniform; In effect, you're highly encouraged to use Green and Black armor as their respective materials are abundant and not used to produce anything particularly useful, while using Purple, Blue and White ores is almost detrimental.

    So it's not more about armor or shields specifically, but it is about resources mining and crafting we have now in general. Starmade requires more substantial raw material system, where resources are more limited and define the value of a given system. Available resources must be separated into several tiers of rarity and relative value (instead of being "kinda equal, but not so much really"), and factory schematics must accomodate these tiers. In that framework, hull and glass should be produced from lowest tier resources, standard armor and shields should be produced from mid-tier and advanced armor, jump-drive modules, most significant effects and other most advanced items should be produced from the most valuable resources. Armor must be produced in successive tiers (hull>standard>advanced) and only then painted and wedged.

    Additionaly, both shield blocks should have an equalized efficiency, which means that different ratios of Capacitors and Rechagers should give different results. Ships with higher Recharger fraction should have smaller combat regeneration penalty, while ships with higher Capacitor fraction should experience less diminishing returns.
    Last edited:
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I personally think weapons need to be more expensive, so that ships last longer.