Huge mechanic, player build systems.

    Jun 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    What I’m suggesting is a huge change to the game and so may not be to the taste of everyone, I just want to put it here to see what people think. Also being so huge it may be difficult to implement on a reasonable time scale.

    The idea here is to get players to design and build more detail systems. This mechanic may allow you to build large ship systems with almost infinite size and scope, all based off relatively simple interactions. Still keep the current blocks (but nerfed so they scale badly?) as it’s difficult to build them on small structures, think of the two methods as buying a small prebuilt engine that can link to other small prebuilt engines to increase power as compare to building a huge powerful engine yourself.With this idea you could design your own reactors, thrusters, weapons, etc or work with design other players share. It’s all about pressure and particles (may also include temperature, not consider at this time and would change a lot if included).

    Containers: Containers are made from blocks that are class as impermeable or ‘airtight’, these could be walls, injectors, extractor, valves, even exhaust vents are classed as this more on this later as well as other blocks. Containers contain cubatoms at varying pressure(0 to 255 units?) larger containers at higher pressures have more cubatoms than small containers at lower pressure.

    Cubatoms: These could be what’s inside the container. The energy of a cubatom depends on the weight and state. In solid’s particles move very slowly as compared to a plasma where they move very fast, and if a light particle is at the same speed as heavy particle the heavy particle has more energy. With this we can ‘calculate’ the energy of a cubatom. The more energy, the more space it uses up.

    Walls: There could be different types of walls, low, median and high pressure. Special wall blocks are needed for plasma cubatoms these are ‘magnetic walls’ low pressures can have permanent magnets needing no power, median would need some power for electromagnets and high pressure would need a fair amount of power to work. Excessing the limit of the walls will cause failure, and possible explode if the stored energy is high enough.

    Extractor, injectors and pipes: These are blocks place in the walls of the container. These remove, insert and transport cubatoms respectively between containers. Extractors have a UI to tell them what type of cubatoms to extract. Injectors can be told if they should cool or heat or do nothing to the materail , using energy as needed to heat and only a small amount of energy to cool, do nothing needs no energy. Pipse like walls are rated for different pressures and for plasma, pipe are used for transporting material around, they have need no internal space and work as a single 1 block think line (multiple stacked pipes along the side can act as redundancy). Both extractors and injectors have textures to show which way to orient them and have UI to set the desired pressure in and out.

    Fusion: Light mass plasma cubatoms at high pressure may start to fuse to form median mass plasma, 2 fuse into 1. Since we already know that heavier cubatoms have more energy when compare to lighter cubatoms of the same state, we can get energy profit, we can extract this and use it to power a generator, which turns it from a plasma to a gas, sending back some of the power to run the injectors and magnetic containment walls. There may also be a catalyst block, so you can run your reactor on a plasma and gas mixture, 2 light gas + 1 light plasma -> 1 light plasma and 1 median plasma, super expensive and rare block that increases reactor efficient (a block worth stealing, one could say). Bigger reactor space, more catalyst and higher pressure the more frequency these reactions happen.

    Chemical: two different cudatoms placed in adjacent contains with a ‘proton exchange’ membrane in-between them generates energy by reacting two cubatoms together, the more different the two cubatoms the more energy, with the resultant cubatom being and ‘average’ of the two. For example, react negative mass solid anti-spin draining cubatom reacted with a heavy mass plasma super-spin-superconductivity cubatom, that would generate a lot of energy (The most different two cubatoms if I’m right). Must remove the product quickly to stop it reacting as well. This is a super cheap way to get energy (If using low pressure and not plasma), good scale median sized ships and as a backup/ ‘starter motor’ for capitals and there reactors. Possible manufacturing use as well.

    Other possible blocks:

    Exhaust vent: Used in rocket engines, higher energy cubatoms and higher pressures more thrust. Could be directional only. Linked to thruster computer for control.

    Pulse vent: Used in cannons, dumps all/some of the containers particles into a linear accelerator tube (see below). Links to weapons computer to fire. Possible mixing of different cubatoms for bonus damage.

    Linear accelerator: Accelerates the pulse, Anything can be accelerated, but plasma is a bonus as well as conductive and superconductive, easier to accelerate. Travels faster and has more kinetic energy. Plasma cannon (less mass, hot, fast) vs railgun (superconducting solid heavy mass, fast) or a hybrid.

    Plasma generators: Extracts energy from plasma turns it into gas, heavy cubatoms have more energy. One input side, one output side.

    Particle Scoop: A block that collects particles from space, mostly light solid null_spin insulator (dust), but also a few others too.

    Filter: Like pipe but filters cubatoms passing through it only letting some user defined types passed

    Pressure gauge: Tells the pressure, if we get something like electrical wire these act as controls.

    Many more can be added.

    Here’s an example of what a fusion reactor with a plasma rocket extension could look like (roughly, also cut away the top to show the inside).


    The green blocks are extractors, red are injectors, orange is the high pressure magnetic walls, AMC (blueish thing) blocks are pipes, the white light blocks exhausts, purple blocks are plasma genorators, blue hull blocks are normal pressure walls.

    As you can see the extractor pulls from the right blue tank current storing light liquids cubatoms (easier to store in large amounts), this is piped to the injector (setup to heat to plasma, and maintain high pressure), into the reactor chamber (27 fusion spaces).The extractor opposite the injector pulls most of the median mass plasma out and pipes it to the plasma generator which turn it into gas and pipe back to a storage tank. The second extract only pulls a little bit of plasma to fill up a rocket nozzle, for thrust.

    Similar setup (shield blocks permeant magnet, low pressure thruster) shrunk, only has 3 fusion places. If this gets implemented I’m sure others would do better.

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    This idea is Awesome! and if you\'ve played minecraft with buildcraft installed, I think that this would give off the same feel. The only issue is that it would be extremely hard to build even a small ship, and many people, including myself, would be unhappy if this was the standard game mechanics. I was thinking that mabye it could be a seperate gamemode, mabye hardcore of something, but I still give it a 1 up!
    Jun 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Not really design for small ships, although it can be built into ship on the smaller sizes. Here\'s an an example ship I made, \'fusion power\' (6 fusion places), plasma rocket, median cubatom solid railgun or each side. I\'m sure it can be build in smaller ships thou. As a side, fusion reactors would need a minium size, based of the reactor walls using energy, this was built with the idea that this is no problem.