ground blocks
nice decorative wall blocks
wall blocks with little lights in them
big flat screens
a computer
blocks that look like this:

stairs, 1 block with railing and 1 block without railing like this:

railing to not fall off a place
a fan looking something like this:

clone pods/weird tubes with weird things in them (weird=alien things)
a bit like this:

glass railing like this:

blocks with round lights on the sides
spot lights that can be aimed at something
a block with a bunch of tubes and wires going through
a block combination where you can go in to heal.
holograms, both person hologram and computer hologram and planets.
a block with a cuboid shaped light on its sides.
nubers 0-9 size of 1 block
letters a-z size of 1 block
a ladder
a computer that can be interacted with (not like the first computer for decoration)
the computer can be configured, who can use it, what will it be used for.
it could go to a hotbar logic with name, and then people onboard the station/ship can interect and activate everything from 1 interface.
a toilet
a washing table with mirror.
a shower
a special board (equal to a chalk board but then futuristic) on which you can write and draw stuff.
ground blocks
nice decorative wall blocks
wall blocks with little lights in them
big flat screens
a computer
blocks that look like this:

stairs, 1 block with railing and 1 block without railing like this:

railing to not fall off a place
a fan looking something like this:

clone pods/weird tubes with weird things in them (weird=alien things)
a bit like this:

glass railing like this:
blocks with round lights on the sides
spot lights that can be aimed at something
a block with a bunch of tubes and wires going through
a block combination where you can go in to heal.
holograms, both person hologram and computer hologram and planets.
a block with a cuboid shaped light on its sides.
nubers 0-9 size of 1 block
letters a-z size of 1 block
a ladder
a computer that can be interacted with (not like the first computer for decoration)
the computer can be configured, who can use it, what will it be used for.
it could go to a hotbar logic with name, and then people onboard the station/ship can interect and activate everything from 1 interface.
a toilet
a washing table with mirror.
a shower
a special board (equal to a chalk board but then futuristic) on which you can write and draw stuff.
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