How to Make Turrets?

    Jul 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    That's the question in a nutshell. I know that I need to dock weapons and that something there needs to be linked to an AI, but can I get a step-by-step?
    Oct 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    I.S.S. Pellaeon Think of it as a small somewhat exposed starship.... the core will be on the bottom level -- you can't add blocks below the core or it will be unable to dock.

    You'll need a Bobby to automate the turret and a weapons computer to link the weapon modules to. A faction module is a good idea to protect the turret from intruders as well as from friendly fire. Power is usually not needed since it will tap into the power of whatever it is docked to, but for larger turrets I'd suggest having some. Shields will be essential, as each turret will have its own separate shielding -- you'll want the turret to be able to take some hits, otherwise it won't last very long. Armor will help add more protection... as well as make it look nice hehe!

    Other than that, it's simply a matter of adding however many weapon modules you feel are necessary. As with normal ship-based weapons, the turret will "fire" from the weapon module at the forward end of the block. Most people have at least two "barrels," or separate blocks of weapons modules, and they're typically of equal firepower... how many barrels you go with (and the damage output of each) is entirely up to you, however.

    A LOT will depend on how large your turret will be -- which will really depend on what sort of role it will be playing. If you plan to engage capital ships, then it will be a pretty good sized turret... if something more like an Isanth is your target, then it can be a small and simple design.

    Once you've got it all built, just access the Bobby, set it to be of type "Turret" and target as "Any" in the Bobby's UI window, and you'll be done!

    There's quite a few turret designs in the Community Content area now, too. It might be helpful to download a few and break them apart, to get a firsthand look at how it's all set up :)
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