How to get from 10 to 150 fps(If you have NVIDIA Graphic Card!)

    Feb 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    Here I am! I've played on this game about two months ago but i turn it off because everytime i played, singleplayer or multiplayer, my max fps was 10...

    Yesterday i found a solution about another famous game and..I tested it with starmade... 150 fps!!!!!!

    So i'm here to help people who has my same problem!


    NVIDIA Graphic card( I have it, so i tested with it.)

    Windows 7(I have windows 7,so the guide is about it,i don't know in other systems how it works)

    So,let's start. First press Start and write "NVIDIA" in "look for programs and files" and click "Nvidia panel control".

    Click,in the left's list, 3D Settings or something like that and click it. After this, There's Global settings and program settings, click program settings. Then, there's a windowed input and an "ADD" Button next to it. Click ADD and go where is the Starmade launcher and open it. In the windowed Input there will be starmade-starter.exe . After this, go to 2.. and in the windowed input choose "NVIDIA Processor high performance" or something like that and after this, click APPLY on down-right and close the window. Now open the game and try in Singleplayer..and Enjoy!:)

    (I have some screens but there are some references to my personal forum where i made this thread, it's a mmorpg-about forum. If the admin give me permission,i could insert these screens,but i'm italian so i don't know the exact settings name in english :( If someone could give me,i could add them!!)

    Thanks for reading this and..have a good game ^_^


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine

    but it\'s kind of strange since starmade-starter.exe is actually only the launcher and closes itself after you press play. The program that runs all graphics is actually java.exe (javaw.exe).

    But as long as it works, I don\'t really care too much :)
    Mar 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    If I have a nvidia graphics card and I already get >1000 FPS, does this mean I can boost to 15K?