How to Build an Emergency Escape Teleporter: A Guide

    Aug 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    ...or, How to Break a Build Block's Spawn Point.

    Step 1: Spawn a space station near the edge of a sector.

    Step 2: Build into the adjacent sector.

    Step 3: Place a Build Block in that adjacent sector.

    Step 4: Enter the Build Block.

    Congratulations! You have just been teleported exactly one sector's length away and out of harm's way. Your enemies are surely gnashing their teeth at your sudden, inexplicable disappearance. You are now free to plot revenge at your leisure.

    In testing I've found that it isn't the Build Block's location that causes the glitch, but the astronaut's. In the pictures below I've placed a Build Block right on the edge of two sectors. If I enter the block from the origin side (2,-2,2) it behaves normally. If I enter it from the adjacent sector (1,-2,2)... Well, you can see the results in the pictures.

    When I try to exit the Build Block I have to hit 'R' twice, as the first time doesn't do anything. Exiting the block spits me out at what I presume are the correct coordinates, but in the wrong sector - the adjacent one - exactly one sector away from where I started.

    Schema: Do me a favor and don't fix this one too quick, okay? I'd like to create multiple space stations in adjacent sectors and TP my way between them. ;D
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I had an idea for a teleport block, and it was alot like this, except more controllable, and less 1000 far awayness.