Over the course of most of Starmade's lifetime up to this point, fuel has seemed great to some folks and stupid to others. At the same time, money had little use. It gained some use with the trade update, but there still wasn't a real economy. The NPC update will create an economy, however.
An NPC economy makes fuel more viable because it offers a lot more options for obtaining it. Anything you can do to make money in the future game translates to a fuel source. Traders and bounty hunters won't really need to mine anymore, and they certainly won't need to grind fuel. They may have to use smaller ships in some cases to turn a real profit, but this just adds to the challenge of the game. On the other hand, it makes freelancers lives easier by encouraging factions to field their Death Stars less often. In the current game, two 5k mass ships can frequently do the same job as a 20k ship, but there's no real motivation to spare an extra pilot. Fuel will introduce ship size diversity.
And of course you can still be lame and turn fuel consumption off in the configs... ya softcore scrubs.
With fuel off, it's the same as it always has been - you can fly your epic Titan around to your heart's content.
So what about default configs? It's probably best to have a low rate of fuel consumption in defaults to introduce new players to the mechanic without it being much of a bother. Buy or refine some fuel now and then. OK, big deal, that's cool. Once players get further into the game they can change the default values if they want to change their NPC economy's behavior and either present more challenge or allow themselves to fly giant ships with no drawbacks.
A further note on fuel:
It doesn't need to be a grind to be a challenge. The challenge should not be that you have to burn massive amounts of something that doesn't last long, but rather that your fuel supply lasts a while, but is sometimes a challenge to replenish. This could go a couple of different ways (which could be options too!):
An NPC economy makes fuel more viable because it offers a lot more options for obtaining it. Anything you can do to make money in the future game translates to a fuel source. Traders and bounty hunters won't really need to mine anymore, and they certainly won't need to grind fuel. They may have to use smaller ships in some cases to turn a real profit, but this just adds to the challenge of the game. On the other hand, it makes freelancers lives easier by encouraging factions to field their Death Stars less often. In the current game, two 5k mass ships can frequently do the same job as a 20k ship, but there's no real motivation to spare an extra pilot. Fuel will introduce ship size diversity.
And of course you can still be lame and turn fuel consumption off in the configs... ya softcore scrubs.
So what about default configs? It's probably best to have a low rate of fuel consumption in defaults to introduce new players to the mechanic without it being much of a bother. Buy or refine some fuel now and then. OK, big deal, that's cool. Once players get further into the game they can change the default values if they want to change their NPC economy's behavior and either present more challenge or allow themselves to fly giant ships with no drawbacks.
A further note on fuel:
It doesn't need to be a grind to be a challenge. The challenge should not be that you have to burn massive amounts of something that doesn't last long, but rather that your fuel supply lasts a while, but is sometimes a challenge to replenish. This could go a couple of different ways (which could be options too!):
- A substance that appears moderately often and can be easily collected and refined in small, useful quantities by just about anyone who bothers installing the salvage beams you spawn with. Independent players will have to find some now and then if they don't want to buy it, while Titans will require fleets of small support ships to search around for it, or will have to trade for it.
- Something that requires infrastructure to obtain at all, like a gas collecting station in a specific kind of nebula or a node that pulls a limited amount of energy out of a spatial anomaly. Factions will fight over it while trying to capture enough fuel sources to field the Death Star, while independent players will just buy what they need from whoever will sell it. (I like this option better.)