How the new factory system brings Starmade closer to release


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    Oct 14, 2014
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    With factories and planets combined, you can now find or create any block in the game. This is a big step from when certain blocks could only be obtained through shops. In earlier alpha builds, shops were a necessity to the game. However, now that they are no longer necessary the question arises, do you keep shops in the game?

    Consider the effect shops have on game play. They serve as a place to trade materials with NPCs so to speak, whereas normally you would do that with players. The inherent problem with shops is that they assign values to blocks and no matter how much you try and balance it, different players will always have an opinion as to what block is worth more or less. This makes credits unbalanced by nature. The only balanced way to trade between players is with blocks where each player can compare the values of the goods traded relative to them.

    So the first effect blocks have is that they are the only source of credits, a system only meaningful when trading with other shops. The second effect they have is easy to see when there is some unbalance in the credit system being exploited. Players get many credits and they no longer farm planets because they can get all they need from shops, making planets useless for anything other than a base. A counter balance is to place less in the shop, which would limit the visibility of this effect.

    The third effect is seen when the credit system and shops are perfectly balanced. The credit system becomes meaningful and shops become a useful and interesting feature to the game. However since it can never be perfectly balanced, this can only be approximated by a lot of hard work on the developers side to balance the system.

    In conclusion, the old need for shops in alpha to get blocks for testing is no longer necessary and balancing it costs time. Time better spent balancing the new system.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    The easiest way to balance naturally spawning shops would be to make their prices truly dynamic. The less of an item/block is in a shop, the more it costs in that shop. It was like that once, but the feature was removed. I still wonder why or if that even was intentional.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    The economy is unbalanced, but removing trade guild shops wouldn't necessarily help. I personally really dislike shops, which is why I only use the crafting system.

    Since shops are most likely going to stay, here are couple of things that might interest you:
    Oct 4, 2014
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    I have my own opinion on what Starbucks charges for my latte as well, but despite my best effort they are unwilling to negotiate. You can still trade with other players and the NPC shopkeepers won't stop you. Besides...that guy has 5 kids to feed. You still need to go to an advanced shop to hire a crew so once they get that going some of them will be useful for that. I'm sure Ensign Redshirt will probably get shot by pirates at some point.
    Nov 21, 2013
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    I disagree. Shops are needed as a way to give credits meaning, and credits are thus useful as a common agreed-upon trade good and a reward for quests, that doesn't result in the common barter difficulties. (Have A, want B, person who has B wants C).

    (Also, "Closer to release"?:rolleyes:)
    (We're a long ways off from that. We're not even close to beta, I think. This ain't no rushed-development block game *cough*.)
    Jun 19, 2014
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    A nice way to balance shops in general would be for blocks to be sold to the shop for less credits than they are actually bought for.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    I think you bring up an interesting point OP. I don't think removing them is advantageous though. Rather, their purpose needs to be expanded a bit. A possible solution I can think of is when a game starts, shops sell materials at a set base price, but as the game goes on some kind of market system starts to adjust prices based on a parallel to how a real world market works. Problem is being able to abstract that into code somehow.

    I think as we approach a more stable game with more features, we'll see a reimplementation of a dynamic market.