About having planets be spherical with wedge-shaped blocks and a realistic gravity well:
It seems this runs into a lot of technical problems with the engine however, far as I know Schema has tried to implement something like it, or has at least experimented with the idea.
A planet without wedgeblocks and a gravity well won\'t work, it\'ll just look weird on any side not directly above a block axis.
Calbiri and I did come up with an alternative to this system however, the M&M proposal:
Look for it near the bottom of my post if you\'re interested: http://star-made.org/content/donuts-suggestion-thread-holograms-planets-lots-more
@ Ixalite, a little more feedback than \'impossible\' would be nice, this is a suggestion thread for folks to express their idea\'s and others to comment on if they would like it or not and what they would like to see changed. It is not impossible (almost nothing is in coding) and it is a good idea, just not very viable right now.