AFAIK the real problem is the read/write speed of the server hardware once the sectors reah the "unload and save" part of the cooldown. Every time you "dip back" into normal space, all 27 sectors around the point you jumped to load in. I think the default "unload" lifetime of sectors is 40 seconds? So if you chain-jump for more than 40 seconds at a time, you're causing simultaneous loading(read from disk) of one 27 sector chunk, and unloading(write to disk, even if nothing changed) of the "oldest" 27 sector chunk. Meanwhile, 40 seconds/~4 sec between jumps*27 sectors = ~270 loaded sectors checking simulation. All that added onto everything every other person is doing in just memory read/write cycles....
That's one of those "optimizations" the core game has to get a handle on by the beta version; not writing if nothing changed.