That has got to be the best typo ever. Would you like to try our speciality sauce? It's our homemade spicy warp sauce. For those days that being in one place just isn't enough.... wrap-car? ...
Now, back to the topic. I would also like to see more options for shops: to set custom buy/sell prices, prices could be different for buying/selling, some items can't be bought, shops can be linked to storages to increase the stock size, some items won't be bought, others won't be sold, certain items from shops could go straight to a selected factory.
The possibilities will be endless. Massive freight ships with a fighter escort, tiny trade ships for trading items for getting the maximum out of their items, intermediate cargo fighters. Loads of more rp tasks, NPC quests could be to just get loads of goods from point A to point B, to protect cargo ships, and, well, I could go on for a while.
Point is, cargo ships are cool.
And don't forget to buy your wrap-car with our homemade spicy warp sauce by your nearest space shop.
Wrap-cars. Don't forget to buy one! (Or else we'll hunt you down)
The joke's on you