How bout a few ideas? *INHALES*

    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    DISCLAIMER: I don't do alot of forum posting but I would love to see what you guys thought about some of this stuff. I am not 100% sure this is the proper place for this post, but since it had the broadest topic range I'm hoping I hit somewhere close to where I need to be.

    1. It would be nice to be able to assign mining lasers to chests thus preventing your inventory from filling up with items you aren't interested in.

    2. Plexlifts should be allowed to work on ships. Nobody really wants to build a stationary main base, lifts would be an awesome addition to any massive ship that you wanted to have a gravity source. Stairs are just kinda ugly (imo) and I know ramps are an option, but a lift makes for a more compact means of traversing floors.

    3. I've had several great ideas that involve linking free floating 'ship' structures but when anyone of them picks up very much speed the other ships are having trouble keeping up then manage to phase through the ship that is actually moving, leaving them free floating behind it. Not sure what is causing this issue, and I haven't tested making the linking parts much thicker than two blocks, but it's really putting a damper on my playing with game mechanics :P

    4. My friend showed me a nifty trick that allowed you to get ANY resource you previously owned given to you right off the bat no matter where you are. Bring up a ship core, name it, coat it in object X that you want to duplicate, save to catalog. This kinda kills any form of economy that there would have been because what you need is at your finger tips, as long as you can afford it. At the least require players to be at a shop to use a catalog, at most find a much more balanced way to share blue prints

    ^These aren't really new ideas just a few changes to some current mechanics that I would love to see.

    - Communication was a conversation I was having just last night with a buddy. We agreed that being able to yell across space to EVERYONE was a little unfair and kinda took away from the potential feeling of vastness. Special blocks that enhance your comm range and reception range would be an interesting twist, though it would be just another credit sink for people that use skype and such. Then there is if you can't get the broadcast, "DO NOT APPROACH, I WILL FIRE UPON IF YOU CONTINUE CURRENT COURSE" while cutting up with your buddies in skype.. who happen to be some 12 sectors off... guess you shoulda thought a little harder on what it means to be able to communicate. Then if we toss in a bit with separate races, we could do separate languages and the need for translation modules. Just have the separate dialects appear in chat with different colors so a player can distinguish races via vocal interaction right off the bat, translated or not.

    - The entire race bit would allow for alot of roleplay. No need to make a storyline, your players will make their own. Does race X hate race Y? On server A they do but on server B they actually originated from the same planet and share a close family like bond. There is A LOT that could be done with that, sadly I don't see that happening anytime soon. That would require a whole new system added and as it is in alpha the game is shaping up to lean towards a minecraft-esque set up. So *crosses fingers* here is to that happening but if not, it will still be an amusing pass time.

    - What I would like to see is the ability to link multiple computers. For example:
    You have a primary computer, but when you enter it the 1-0 keys have other computers on them. You hit 4 and pull up your core weapons computer, on the keys 1-3 you have different computers commanding your various lasers and missiles. Hitting 3 you pull up your alternate laser computer and you have the options 1. Mining laser, 2. Energy transfer laser, 3. Docking laser.

    You guys see where I'm going with that? Of course these computers are positioned across the ship and can be accessed manually but you wouldn't be able to flip through all your options because the block you have selected only influences the blocks connect to it not the one that it is hooked to. Like if you were in your weapons room and on its comp, you couldn't back track the network of systems to access one of the other options one tier up.

    - I'm all for a more dangerous galaxy. After the first... hour or so pirates become nothing more than flies for me to test my new guns on. Their bases are just free resources with a small chance my shields may get scratched. Life on the planets (friendly and hostile) is something I know is coming and I look forward to it, the idea of capturing hostile monsters on little pods then shuttling them to my ship and sneaking them on an enemies (or allies >:3 ) ship tickles my fancy. Making an atmosphere on your ship could be amusing as well, removing the air from certain levels to flush out or kill any invaders would make being the captain calmly sitting on your bridge a great deal more amusing. Or again with races, if certain races were more reactive to certain air supplies (like breathing oxygen vs breathing carbon dioxide) you could strategically kill off enemies based on what they can't handle. Maybe they wouldn't be ready for such a ballsy tactic because who would think to poison their entire ship? The guys that are prepared for it, that's who. So they have to fight you while trying to find their way through your maze like structure and not to suffocate whilst you are just hindered by a limited air supply. I guess I can see some balance issues with that.. Though all this talk just makes me want more creative ways to mess people over, give me some options aside from SHOOT'EM WIT MAH GUN! We have a sun that can melt your ship, but why not toss in some other stuff? Meteor shower, and of course some collision damage so it would actually mean something. Get thrown to a planet surface by gravity? Sucks to be you, your outer hull is now damaged. Figure a simple formula involving mass and speed could be used to detail how much damage is applied and how much carries over to the next X adjacent blocks. Planet atmospheres would be about the same as the whole ship set up, maybe some storms based on the air type, special hull types are required to prevent corrosion of units on the surface.

    Please give me your opinion and feel free to wow me with your ideas as well.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    interesting read. good ideas, but i have some responses for you.

    1) if your inv is full, any new items you pick up are destroyed. i think they need to fix that first before adding features like that.

    2) plexlifts are broken anyways. once they are fixed they will most likely add this feature. have you read the planned features list?

    3) the \"mothership\" suggestion has been passing around for some time. don\'t worry, its only alpha, we still have the beta phase to go through. this game is no where near complete

    4)this is an exploit that pretty much everyone uses. its an easy way to get a lot of blocks...i think its easier to build a ship in singleplayer then catalog it to the server you want and buy it through the shop.

    5)i think it would be a lot easier to have a faction and sector chat channels then adding more blocks to the game that only have 1 function.

    6) this is not an \"RPG\" nor is it minecraft

    7) i like this idea of linkinig multiple computers together into one master computer command. my friends and i have discussed that idea. im sure they will add this feature. or someone will make a mod for it

    8) pirates too easy? make a bunch of different ships and catalog them! the pirates will use them and attack you. it makes it a lot more fun. its a genius way to ramp up the difficulty at the rate of the player rather then the rate of time or distance travelled. there are black holes in the game, but not sure what they do...maybe teleport you off to some far off place with legions of pirates roaming the emptiness of space? the pirate stations will get a lot harder once the AI learns how to use missles and other modules beside AMC

    happy building

    PS. find the planned features page and read it.