Horrible FPS when affected by planet's gravity (and flickering chunks)

    Sep 22, 2013
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    System specs :
    CPU : AMD A8-6600K APU @ 3.9Ghz
    GPU : Sapphire Radeon R7 265X 2GB GDDR5
    RAM : 8GB(2x4GB) G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3 2133Mhz
    OS : Windows 8.1 64 bit
    Java : Java 64 bit

    Summary what happened :
    Alright, so my friend and I are playing on a server, just made a planet our homebase.
    Setting up the base as usual, built some ships, logged off.
    Recently, I logged in on the server, but I was welcomed by a horrible 3 FPS gameplay.
    I thought it was because of the changes I did (I downloaded a shadow mod, messed with some settings).
    So, I reverted everything back, issue still persists.
    Renamed the folder, then let the launcher redownload everything. Issue still persists.

    Then, I attempted to play again, and got one of our ships. Suddenly, it stopped lagging. I got out, 3 FPS again.

    I flew my big ship high up, no more lag. I was able to go to another planet and mine it.

    I went back to base, landed my big ship. No lag. I exited the ship. 3 FPS again. I thought that this planet may have something 'stuck' in it that's causing lags. I undocked all ships, stopped all factories, still the same issue.

    And finally, I flew a small ship, and landed it on the surface of the planet. No lag. I exited the ship again, but the planet's gravity hasn't affected me yet. So basically I was still floating on top of the small ship, no lag. Pressed space to correct my alignment, 3 FPS.

    TL;DR :
    I determined that when my character gets affected by the planet's gravity, the FPS drops down significantly.
    This did not happen a few days after playing on the same server.
    Gravity that's equipped on the ship (forgot the name) doesn't lag.
    Station gravity doesn't lag.
    Other planets does NOT lag.

    That's the major problem I'm having right now. I might just relocate the base, but it's still baffling that this is happening.

    Second issue : Flickering chunks / textures

    This only occurs when I mine planets (50 salvage module beams x 9 beam missile support). After the beam stops, flickering chunks appear on the planet for a few seconds, then returns back to normal. It could be that it's updating all the chunks, but this did not happen before until I redownloaded all the Starmade files. (My starmade version was really really old, and I just used the launcher to update it)

    When I'm also in build mode, the textures flicker when I delete blocks. Sometimes, the star also shows up when I align a block (block preview is enabled) on the star. Not sure if it's a known bug or not.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1426576742,1426575173][/DOUBLEPOST]Screenshots :
    Normal FPS when on ship near planet (lower fps than usual due to FRAPS)

    Normal FPS when ship is on surface of the planet

    Normal FPS when outside of ship, not aligned with planet yet

    Very Low FPS when aligned in planet

    Normal FPS on other planet (Fail landing)

    Oh and the star visible when preview block is enabled.


    May 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 7
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    Sounds like your ship isn't resting properly, meaning in some situations it's constantly calculating and recalculating collisions when on the planets surface. Normally it's meant to rest and 'Freeze' in place when it stops moving. But again, it seems in some situations, it fails to do so.

    Solution: Add a docking module onto your planet to dock your ship to.
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    Sep 22, 2013
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    Oh thanks, it was actually the big ship that was causing the lag. When it got destroyed (I attacked some pirates, failed.), I went back to the home planet, and voila no more lag. Will keep that in mind next time.
    Jul 17, 2013
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    • Tester
    if it still flickers change line 120 in the settings.cfg to "G_USE_VBO_MAP = false"
    if that doesnt change anything while salvaging and placing removing blocks change it back.
    and please tell me the outcome :)
    Sep 22, 2013
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    Thanks, edited the settings file, the chunks no longer flicker when I mine them. Although I did notice that the fps was lower now when I mine.
    Jul 17, 2013
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    • Tester
    i do not know what that feature exactly does, but i can imagine by switching it off the game draws more unneeded content on the screen and therefore the fps drop. the flickering is i guess the game not beeing able to decide if the drawn parts are in line of sight or not ... at least my uneducated guess here ;)