Homeworld 2 *suggestion* sensors,

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Homeworld 2 was an amazing game, the gameplay was good and the mechanics.

    But i want to ask if there are other ideas similar to the stuff in HW2.

    Its a little long so i hope i can find time to shorten it.

    -Sensors and map overview

    -Ru:s collecting and selling/factories ores?



    For example the sensor screen (map overview?) press space and the zoom out to a tactical overview of the map and then have smaller blue orbs (spheres?) wich indicated the sensor range.

    The fighters had small sensor range, (scouts had large :P)

    Then you could upgrade the mothership or carrier,shipyard etc etc with adv. sensors. But i am not saying ctrl+c ctrl+p over to starmade, BUT the large overview around the ship would work ay, and depending on the amount of sensor equipment you have on the ship (sensorblocks?) would alow you to detect things in a larger area. And then a ping system. And depending on the amount of (x-ping blocks or Y-sensorblocks) [i have no idea why i used x or y for that]. It will reveal that area around your ship.

    So smaller ships could have them but they would be poorly protectable, Being like antennas and so (the size of one sensor antenna block could be like the hanging lamp block) Having it on a small ship would have it very vunerable and on a "captial class" or large ship it would be possible to have several antennas or (whatever the block should come to be) and still not compremise the sensors.

    Next could be the Ru:s (Resource units) That salvaging will a newly destroyed ship might not always leave blocks behind. And depending on the current (cargo, inventory space, plexinventory connected to salvage?) You would collect blocks of Ru:s to be sold or made into hull or used as material in factories? Or sell to shops. (i know there is already easy ways to get credits but that is to change aigt?) So when one cannot Eat entire space stations and sell throughout the galaxy how will one make creds then? (i might have missed topics about that sorry)

    Then one can melt down Ru:s to repair ships hull if the correct things are on it. Repair beam thingy and such. Then astroids could have rocks and then salvage beams collects rock and then use factories/(melt?)

    the rock and get the Ru:s.


    I am going to head on with the phased cannon array Homeworld 2 provides.

    If this topic never comes to life i wont bother but else i want to talk about it and how it could work etc etc.

    The entire ship is practicly a cannon. (Dreadnaut/nought, The great maker Saajuk/sajuuk.

    This is my dream, it should work in starmade aight?

    Like place blocks to increase the power/duration and range. The longer the array the longer the array will charge up the phase cannon. And the beam uses ALOT OF power. So fitting it in a ship would pretty much fill it up. And the effects of it powering up would be from the Phase cannon computer traveling the phase cannon blocks all the way to the blocks in the other end. The wider the cannon is the wider the beam (thus its energy req is higher) I will show vids or work on the IDEA of the idea more. And the effects yes. From the core to the end particles will "sparkle" as the cannon powers up. So from pressing left mouse it will send the "particles/charge/sparks/ENERGY" along the phase cannon blocks and then fire as they reaches the end of the cannon. I cant stop describing it or talking about it so yeaaaah. Look it up on yt or wait uintil i find a good video to link here.

    Ion cannons (TADDAAAAAAAH)

    place controll thingy, place ion cannon block, it will have ... nvm bad idea.

    Might try to think of it later.

    Well different kinds of engines (NOW THIS I KNOW there be other topics about) but yepp.

    Cap-class engines that will SLOWLY acc so it wont try to act like starwars hyperdrive all the time. I dont know how many times i rammed my own mothership trying to get close and dock with it with my battlecruiser and ended up bouncing around my space station and bowling with my own smaller space crafts. YEPPPPPPP

    Thats the only engine idea i have for now that i want to see exist in someone elses mind then mine.

    Now i will not give in to (yes i will. I dont have any power here to stop nobody) BUT ALAS i will try to get this topic enter a state of action more active then dead.

    Sep 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    I now realised that a topic from a user with 0-1 posts is doomed. But hay, Internet works with me. My own hardrive only dies once right?

    But my second comp is alive! (not mine but hey i got nothing to do)
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    Sorting out your suggestions a bit more and organizing them. It might be hard to understand exactly what you are trying to get at especially if you mention it being homeworld two based...

    Anyway, from what I could decipher, You want Sensors, a UU type unit of matter for trading, a better map system, a laser beam, Ion cannons, and slow type engines.

    Sensors have been discussed before, RU (UU) type things could be associated with cubatoms (your system is simpler though in some respects), A better map (already been suggested and is planned), Laser beams (already been suggested, numerous times), Ion cannons (AMC cannons are already good against shields and practically everything), and there is hardly a need for slower engines.

    Please read the other posts in the suggestions forum to get an idea of what has already been said, and and idea of what would enhance gameplay (eg. FTL mechanic).
    Sep 3, 2013
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    I guess i could have planned this a little better then just placing this here (when its clear that one is not supposed to post something someone else already suggested) but i felt kinda unable to place this long thing here as in i didnt see anyone else thinking the same way i wanted them to see it.

    -Engines Slower engines is not for the \"slow\" its for controll for ships as you cannot make it respond in the way i can play ping pong with my huge carrier with my docking station and space station (chimaera station being a ship when i cannot have two stations close of eachother. And then having them acting like a ship.

    But DAGNAMIT that idea i could have put

    Now when i think about it i should have broken my topic up for several other topics instead of opening my own. Yes, such enlightment.


    Il reset my brain and try to gain access to logic once again.

    Here we go. The phased cannon array could be posted where? Because the idea then is not original but i dont se it anywhere else? But yes. Il try my best to think through my ideas a little better next time and NOT post a new topic at the first best page of ideas.
    Sep 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    I will try to organize better and sort my ideas to post at appropriate topics already created.

    But i didnt mean to suggest already suggested ideas, thus my Homeworld 2 based suggestions.

    Because of the functions and how it was easy and usefull (to use).
    Sep 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    I would also suggest that a sensor could be added like a weapons computer to scan an opposing ships hull and shield status, that way you could know quicker if it is time to cut and run.