Homebase/System cost and check faction activity?

    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score

    Will setting that to >false< make a factions home base vulnerable if they run out of FP?
    Or will the base stay invulnerable and they'll only lose the 'free first system' as they would every other system?

    We've got a tonne of inactive factions on the server, especially 1 player factions that join and shortly after disappear and all the web searches I have done have yielded zero in whether or not there is a way to check a factions last activity date. (If only admins could see the date on the factions listing page)
    I have seen a wrapper that apparently removes factions that have been inactive for 2 weeks, sadly such wrappers are apparently incompatible with software the servers owner runs to manage things so thoseprograms are out of the question.

    So is there a way to manually check a factions last activity date? I'm guessing these wrappers are some how pulling this info from the game, where does it pull it from and how do we view it if it is possible?

    Just would like to clean up the server of dead factions and make it so their assets can be raidable by the other players in the manner Faction Points are supposed to work and failing that, going in and deleting them by hand, which is a difficult task not knowing who has been on when.

    Any help on this would be appreciated.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    Free homebase = true means:
    The first system a faction claims is not calculated in FP, so its not consuming FP, disabling it, will result in the first system consuming FP.

    The setting you are refering to is:

    MAKE_HOMBASE_ATTACKABLE_ON_FP_DEFICIT = true //Home bases become attackable if a faction's Faction Points are in the minus and the faction doesn't own any territory

    Together with the above setting, you can make factions become unprotected after being inactive for a longer time.

    - Andy
    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    Yeah I assumed it would disable the first system free, So base vulnerability does work? Cool. I was under the impression it wasn't working yet.

    Thanks for the reply AndyP very helpful and informative :)