Holographic tunnels/spheres in space showing the nodes and paths to ease the orientation.
Nodes are points of interest (planets, stations, wormholes, ...) paths are connections.
When looking at these images, imagine 1 node with a tube (1)through (2)into it.
Imagine a sphere around the node similar to a water-bubble using a texture similar to (1)'s or (2)'s tube/link.
I can provide all nodes with vectors and links, but it would be far easier to have a data-structure input and output to work with.
Should I use Java for it or do it in LUA/whatever language is going to be mod-supported?
Nodes are points of interest (planets, stations, wormholes, ...) paths are connections.
- It only would be visible to a pilot with Navigation-Software MK1 installed in one of his navigation computers
- and for objects discovered (starmade-mapping-a-response-to-macthules-maps.22015)
- and appear like an illuminated water stream/bubble between 2 points, obeying the laws of a Bezier-curve algorithm through a point that only has 2 links.
When looking at these images, imagine 1 node with a tube (1)through (2)into it.
Imagine a sphere around the node similar to a water-bubble using a texture similar to (1)'s or (2)'s tube/link.
The algorithm could be:
- Connect closest 2 nodes (points of interest)
- Search for a new link at the opposite of it
- with n nodes connected to this node
- first get the opposite vectors, these are like lines extending the previous links out of their destination but with a fixed length.
- get the average coordinate of the outer ends of these vectors/lines
- draw a new line/vector to this average coordinate.
- Make a proximity search for points along(x) and aside
this line.
- with n nodes connected to this node
- Approve the strongest link.
- Re-do step 2 for all nodes with an altered number of links, altered by step 3.
- Repeat step 3+4 until all points are connected.
- all nodes in a sector
- all sectors as nodes in the system
- link is between 1 node of each sector with the shortest distance.
- the link from this node to the most connected linked node get stronger/thicker to visualize a higher order.
- repeat 2 from this point, to the next one
- even results in an node-list creating the next iteration of itself without altering itself.
- each iteration, clear weaker nodes from this list.
- all systems as nodes in the galaxy
- are similar to sectors in a system, but
- connecting 2 systems uses the strongest link of all possible links between 2 border-sectors.
- to avoid too many stronger/thicker pathes
I can provide all nodes with vectors and links, but it would be far easier to have a data-structure input and output to work with.
Should I use floats or rounded integers, unique IDs or IDs prefixed/extended by the environment-ID/structure?
Should I use Java for it or do it in LUA/whatever language is going to be mod-supported?
It could be just graphic effects for the player, but you could also use that for a resource-cheap pathing system using nodes to avoid enemy or unidentified territory on the greater magnitude.