Hey hey hey! How about some new lights?!?

    Jul 19, 2013
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    Ok, Ok, I know. Not as exciting as new lasers or crazy stuff like that. But the lighting system for big ships right now means a lot of space taken up by lighting (if anyone has techniques to minimize this, I'd love some help)

    we could use some stronger, farther reaching lights, or maybe 2-d light "strips that one could put on other blocks to generate more light. Just something so our ships dont have to be dark and shadowy if we want them to be bright and clean.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    If you are building your ship for looks, put them in the walls, not on the walls. It looks better too. You don\'t have to use any extra space, though you might need to make a double thick hull layer. If you are building your ship for utility, you shouldn\'t have much open space to light.

    Not that I don\'t want better lights, but I\'d rather see new lasers and crazy stuff like that. :P
    Jul 19, 2013
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    When building ships for practicality, I rarely use lights if at all, but occasionaly I want something that\'s aesthetically pleasing as well as practical. This means I\'d like every corner lit, which is difficult when you\'re building ships with unconventional shapes. (Disks especially) I do put lights in walls and double plate hull for maximum efficency, but I still feel as if there is room for improvement.

    thanks for your Input though, and believe me, crazy lasers and stuff is #1 on my list. Lights are #2
    Jun 25, 2013
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    We have lights, I want lights that project. Like headlights. Make them toggle-able like the radar jammer. I could even see them having % selections for brightness (or \'distance\' which is essentially the same), vertical width, horizontal width (combined it would have the effect of a cone outward from the block) Maybe even have a similar function as weapons do, where multiple blocks would be additive.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Also please make the lights not have the same mass as hulls. Having the light reach a little further would help a lot too.
    Jul 19, 2013
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    Slyke, I totally see where you\'re coming from. Mass is also an issue. When building big stuff, we run into a similar problem that Real rocket scientists run into. We want more stuff (more mass) but we need to be maneuverable, so more thrusters. More thrusters means more power to support, which means more space taken up, but we need more space for our stuff, so we add mass, and the vicious cycle continues. This means we need things like lights and things to have little mass.

    So yeah. Strip lights or more efficent lights would be great.