Help making a good fighter

    Jul 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey! I'm not sure whether this is the proper place to post this or not... But anyways...

    I've recently built a ship that is my version of the Battlestar Galactica. It's not to scale or anything, it is just inspired by the legendary Battlestar. I've been trying to make some good Vipers to suplement the Battlestar, but I just can't make a good fighter. So, I'm asking for the help of someone wiser than I to build me a Viper for my ship.

    What I'm looking for:

    • It needs to look at least a little bit like a viper!
    • It needs to fit on a single docking module
    • Cost is irrelevant
    • Should be as manuverable and powerful as it can be for its size

    If you think that you can help me with this, please, post on here! Thanks!