
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    I am War Dog.

    In game name is War_Dog

    I shoot things.

    I make ships that don't look very nice but they fly and shoot things; that's good enough for me.

    I believe that it's better to give than to receive. So my ships always have lots of guns.

    I tend to fly solo because factions tend to complicate things with needless rules and regulations.

    That gets in the way of shooting things.

    That's not saying I don't like other people.

    I'm more than open to people who shoot things that I also shoot.

    I generally only shoot things that are red.

    Sometimes blue things shoot me, so I shoot them.

    Lately there's been a bug that randomly changes faction relations.

    So red sometimes blue and blue is sometimes red and there's green in there at times.

    That's all confusing so I just shoot the red things and sometimes blue things.

    Some say I'm a person of few words, but I just think actions speak louder than words.

    I see lots of people bragging and insulting people online and generally being noisy and confusing.

    So I come over and shoot them.

    Less Wanking, More Shanking.

    Some people get mad at me for shooting at them even though they either challenge or attack me first.

    Some people are buggy, please fix them Schema.

    Sometimes I get beaten.

    That usually means I need more guns.

    So I add more guns.

    Sometimes it's not enough.

    So I add more guns.

    The number of guns I need to have enough is more than I have but less than too much.

    May there always be plenty of things to shoot.

    Shooting things makes me happy.