Having centralized threads

    Jul 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hello Guys!

    I would like to have your opinion prior to a creation of a "centralized" thread in the suggestion forums for example. The aim is to gather all suggestions, copy the URL and list them by type (weapons, gameplay, shields, blocks, etc...) in alphabetical order and highlight them in bold if they are approved by a majority of people commenting on these suggestions. People that have suggestions would post their suggestion URL with a short description in it to make their suggestion referenced or to tell it has been approved (and should be moderated if it's true) by a few people with positive comments.

    It would be like a big library of all suggestions, so it would make it easier to find a suggestion by type and then go and read the suggestion, comments etc. And then thread creators would write in the centralized thread to tell that people have accepted or are keen to the idea, which would result in a highlighting in the main suggestion list.

    I think it may make things easier for everybody: for guys with ideas to avoid them writing the same thing that has already been posted, for the game developers to go on the lookout for a suggestion, or simply to easily find them, and generaly, for everybody to have a chance of exposure and readability, since it's one of the most active forum.

    Next question would be: is it better that moderators take care of this kind of thread (so they can team up and edit progressively as links are added), or would anybody else active enough be good for that task?

    Short Summary

    - Have a big topic (in the suggestion forum for example) with referenced links, sorted by types. Suggestion makers still will create normal threads to write their ideas in and then ask for it to be referenced in the list.
    - When a thread is widely accepted by commentators, threads creators can ask that their link in the list is highlighted, in order to make it more visible.
    - Game devs and regular users can easily find anything and take note of the suggestion.
    - Everybody will have a better exposure and readability since everything is in one place
    - Would it be better that moderators animate the thread or can anybody come up with the task?

    What d'ya think? :)
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    I think these forums simply lack proper administration...

    Things like the last post area being white, things like the subject line repeating the first sentence, things like actual subforums for the suggestion section and some more specific forum names (Features? Suggestion? Difference?)... All easy fixes, yet nothing happens, even after being pointed out multiple times.
    Jul 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well, these are internal restructuring stuff, I don\'t know who\'s maintaining the website, but prolly is more busy with the game, which isn\'t bad :D but yeah, these are simple fixes fair enough.

    Even if the forums were better structured, not everybody uses the research function, and my guess is most people read the 10 first topics (that may all talk about the same subject in some way), rather than exploring them all, or they simply write their suggestion witout reading anything!
    May 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Shouldn\'t this thread go to the suggestions forum ? :p

    Proper thread organization would require better forum software , phpbb should do at first.

    Nothing says you can\'t have an index thread of popular community suggestions , but keep in mind that majority voting just wouldn\'t work out , considering the community. You\'d get spherical planets / aliens / railguns suggestions selected , and easy practical additions filtered out.
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I think a proposal system with the ability to vote up/vote down features would be good. Like Buzilla. I\'m looking at that for the tools I\'m writing.

    But, in the end, if there is no buy-in from development that they are going to pay attention to this, I\'m not sure it is worth the effort.