Essentially, I was thinking it'd be interesting if planets (and the ore they contained) generated based upon meeting realistic criteria. This would mean that like their real counterparts, planets would develop characteristic based upon their distance from the sun and their distance to other planets and cellestial bodies. There is a similar idea going on with asteroids, but there is room for improvement for each! What I propose, is getting rid of planet "classes" Instead of having "Terran" or "Desert" or "Mars (which doesnt even look like mars)", have planets generate crust, mantles, cores, and ore based upon where they are located, as well as other factors. This could allow for potentially limitless combinations of planets and terrain, and add a layer of "Uncertainty" to exploring planets.
As of now, everybody sees a desert planet and knows exactly what to expect. Theres no point in exploring different planets if you know exactly what they will contain and how they will look. Imagine coming across a seemingly dead rock planet, littered with geysers. Digging below the surface could reveal a vast ocean of liquid methane (Or in this case dolom or something?).
It would be incredible to have procedurally generated planets that not only generate realistically, but also uniquely. While planets do fall into categories (Gas giants, Ice giants, carbon, and so on), the amount of variability within each planet is vast and completely unknown. Having just a few different looking planets is silly and counter intuitive to the mysterious and exploration heavy themes of space.
I would suggest looking to Saturn's moons, as well as the planets in our own solar system for aesthetic and functional guiding. StarMade fails to provide analogs for the majority of planets in our universe. Earth planets are the only ones which I would say are appropriate. Starmade has no gas giants, the mars planets are way too extremely generated and fail to look close to mars. The ice planets are way too varied in surface composition and the alien planets are..well theyre fine cause they're alien planets!
I realize that there is a VAST disparity in planet sizes in starmade and actual starmade, but the terrain generation is absolutely ridiculous.
Planets and moons in our solar system have been shown to be flat for the most part.
Triton and neptune tend to be believed to look like this:
Their starmade analogs look like this:
The surface of Io is believed to look something like this:
There's no analog to IO in starmade, but there should!
Ganymede is just a rocky planet of craters and ridges
Eurpopa has a solid ice surface with large red scars from salt from the underground ocean.
I think that this game would benefit SIGNIFICANTLY from ditching the minecraft style terrain generation (something that is already planned) and adopting a realistic, randomly generated system that allows for infinite permutations of planet qualities. Allow the planet's crust, mantle, core, and surface features to develop independent of each other. Utilize the planned liquid to have underground (or overground) oceans of water, methane, whatever! Develop a vast catalog of terrain blocks for planet generation to draw upon to create unique, interesting surface patterns. How cool would it be to come across planets with insane surface features like the scars of Europa?!!? Don't just give us boring space engineers planets, give us better! Give a reason to explore planets.
As of now, everybody sees a desert planet and knows exactly what to expect. Theres no point in exploring different planets if you know exactly what they will contain and how they will look. Imagine coming across a seemingly dead rock planet, littered with geysers. Digging below the surface could reveal a vast ocean of liquid methane (Or in this case dolom or something?).
It would be incredible to have procedurally generated planets that not only generate realistically, but also uniquely. While planets do fall into categories (Gas giants, Ice giants, carbon, and so on), the amount of variability within each planet is vast and completely unknown. Having just a few different looking planets is silly and counter intuitive to the mysterious and exploration heavy themes of space.
I would suggest looking to Saturn's moons, as well as the planets in our own solar system for aesthetic and functional guiding. StarMade fails to provide analogs for the majority of planets in our universe. Earth planets are the only ones which I would say are appropriate. Starmade has no gas giants, the mars planets are way too extremely generated and fail to look close to mars. The ice planets are way too varied in surface composition and the alien planets are..well theyre fine cause they're alien planets!
I realize that there is a VAST disparity in planet sizes in starmade and actual starmade, but the terrain generation is absolutely ridiculous.
Planets and moons in our solar system have been shown to be flat for the most part.


Triton and neptune tend to be believed to look like this:

Their starmade analogs look like this:

The surface of Io is believed to look something like this:

There's no analog to IO in starmade, but there should!
Ganymede is just a rocky planet of craters and ridges

Eurpopa has a solid ice surface with large red scars from salt from the underground ocean.

I think that this game would benefit SIGNIFICANTLY from ditching the minecraft style terrain generation (something that is already planned) and adopting a realistic, randomly generated system that allows for infinite permutations of planet qualities. Allow the planet's crust, mantle, core, and surface features to develop independent of each other. Utilize the planned liquid to have underground (or overground) oceans of water, methane, whatever! Develop a vast catalog of terrain blocks for planet generation to draw upon to create unique, interesting surface patterns. How cool would it be to come across planets with insane surface features like the scars of Europa?!!? Don't just give us boring space engineers planets, give us better! Give a reason to explore planets.