Hardened Hull vs. Missiles

    Jan 22, 2014
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    Recently I was working on a new ship hull but realized I didn't' have all my reference material to work with so I turned my attention to doing some Hull and Armor testing. I have been trying to discover ways to armor my ships and to figure out what the best order to layer my system is. During the testing I made a surprising discovery! Hardened hull isn't performing as rated. The Wiki info says its 400 hp with 50 points of reduction. However I learned that (at least on my own sandbox) a 400 damage gun will destroy a block. So as far as I can tell there is no damage resistance on hull.

    Furthermore I began to test missiles. I was shocked to discover a 200 Damage missile penetrate a single block layer of Hardened Hull and damage two systems underneath in a star pattern. 200 points of damage did destroy a 400 hp block of armor. This is alarming to me as Hardened hull is pretty expensive and usually somewhat difficult to manufacture. It also means the program treats it differently with different weapons.

    I would appreciate some other players investigating this if you do not already know about it and confirming you are seeing similar results. I used a 20 block single collum dumbfire missile launcher.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Regular hull is 100HP with 25% damage reduction. Hardened hull is 200HP with 50% damage reduction.

    So yeah, 400 damage is enough to destroy any block (Excluding faction blocks) in the game.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    War Dog\'s hull stats are right, D1000 missiles (and all missiles) have very misleading stats though. D1000 missiles do double (or close to) the damage of other missiles. Basically, 200 on a D1000 means 400, afaik.


    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    400 EFFECTIVE hit points are what you get with 200 hp and 50% damage reduction. 401+ damage per shot is enough to destroy any block in the game except faction blocks and custom reinforced hulls. This is why I usually put the faction block on turrets and drones right in front of the core. Sure, makes it harder to access the module but it offers a great amount of front armoring for the core.

    Now, to d1000s. Somewhere around autumn last year, those missiles were buffed, dealing double damage and having highest travel speed of all missiles, this was to compensate the lact of guidance. \"If you can hit it, it\'s gonna be a big bang. if you can hit it.\" Apparently, this buff is not displayed. Note that missiles also do splash damage, which will get past a block if the full force of the explosion is more than required to destroy the first layer.
    Jan 22, 2014
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    Thank you all. This is very helpful information. I was unaware of the Dumbfire missile buff though it makes perfect sense. I had thought during testing they were traveling very quickly. However the 25% and 50% resistances on hulls is misleading. I had understood that to mean 400 damage - 50 damage therefore needing 450 points of damage to destroy a hull block. Not 200 points of damage resulting from 1/2 of the damage being lost. A.k.a. Needing 400 points of damage from a gun to destroy it.

    Still very helpful information, I hope someone who has access will update the WIKI soon. Thank you all again.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Thank you all. This is very helpful information. I was unaware of the Dumbfire missile buff though it makes perfect sense.


    And there should be a reason to have armor and hp separated. Currently the only is to reduce the number of required bits from 9 to 8 :)

    But I would like to be able to have 500 armor. And a separate % reduction.

    I think there should be missiles which reload while you are out of combat (no amc usage, no shield drain, >75 power) and drain a lot of power. First-strike missiles as a counter-part to shields, but no AOE.