Hamachi/Port Forwarding Issues

    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi there Star-Made community, I first just want to say that this is one heck of a game, lots of fun had already. For obvious reasons I would like to give multiplayer a try with a friend or two of mine however we've had no luck thus far.

    I first tried port forwarding, I hadn't used port forwarding in quite a long time however I was able to get into the settings for my Arris router. The router however will not accept my IPV4 address and states that it is "Not a valid IP address". I realized this was likely because the Arris router is connected to a second router, a Linksys one. I haven't had to port forward through two routers before so I decided to give Hamachi a try, I'd had luck with it in the past. Hamachi seemed promising, I had no trouble setting up a network or having my friend join said network. I was able to launch the server and join it using the Hamachi IPV4 address. He was unable to join the server using the correct IP and port. As of now I have tried changing the server listen IP in the server.cfg file and using a different port (25565). I was still able to connect to the server using the Hamachi IP, no luck on the friend's end however. Worthy of note is the fact that my friend is using a Mac of some sort and that I am on Windows 7 64bit Professional. My next course of action is to finish researching how to port forward through two routers and give that a try.

    If you require any further information I will be happy to try to provide it. Thank you to any who have taken the time to read this. Any ideas, suggestions, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Well, I gave joining (and hosting) the server from a different PC a try. No luck there which leads me to believe that at least part of the problem is on my end.
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    if possible, try getting somebody who is also on windows to try connecting, it may just be the simple fact of mac sucks for gaming. also try calling your ISP and asking them if they can help at all, it could have something to do with them.
    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Thank you for the response, I might give calling the ISP a try. The other Windows PC I tried connecting with was unable to connect. I was however just now able to get my friend with the Mac to try hosting and I was in fact able to join his server. This is good, but not quite a solution since his internet connection is very weak and fails every 5-10 minutes. I\'ve also checked firewall settings which should not be an issue.