some people might make a ship that isnt exactly cannon for the Halo Universe, I\'ve been wiki searching greek gods and come up with a few names and types for these such ships:
Ares Class Warship (see my UNSC Sunblocker)
Demeter class Harvester (just a clasic harvester, give it a nice shell throw a nameplate on it and wah-lah)
Artemis Class Hunter Killer (medium sized ship, heavy weaponry, light sheilds, very manuverable)
Athena Class Intelligance Ships (quick, highy manuverable, light weaponry, heavy sheilds)
Hermes Class Trade/Transport ship (basicly just a cargo ship, this and the Demeter class Harvesters go hand in hand)
Hephaestus prototype ships (any ship that looks extremely weird, highly experimental, any ship can fit into this catogary until a better catorgory is found.
These are all real greek gods, the class and type reflects what they actually represent (IE Ares was the god of war bloodshed and violence, Demeter was the Goddess of grain, agriculture and the harvest, growth and nourishment.). Any other suggestions message me and ill add them to the list (not limited to greek gods)