GUI Graphical Glitches

    Jan 14, 2016
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 7
    • Community Content - Silver 1
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    Is it just me or has anyone else started to notice this? Been since the last couple of updates and I am beginning to grow a little tired of it now. It doesn't happen all the time and sometimes I can play for an hour and it will be fine then it will go. Sometimes it looks like the borders to the the GUI are "melting" down the screen.

    Also, while on the subject of GUI, can we PLEASE fix the bug where you are able to click on something from your inventory when you click the buttons on a window above. I have just placed an infinite number of Parseen crystals in a storage chest (with a complex set of pulls that took me ages to work out might I add) that I then had to delete in order to remove them and start all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!