Grappling hooks, anchor blocks, magnetic blocks, moving blocks, computers and much much more.

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Suggestions for the future of StarMade.

    I have spoke to a lot of people also been reading a lot of suggestions some stuff some stupid some would be amazing, here are the ones that people would love mostly and personally would be amazing to see in future StarMade, once Schema has done all the bug fixing.

    One day I know the suggestions if put in play will out class any space Voxel game including space engineers so here is a few and what they could do.

    1: A anchor block would be very good to replace you having to have your core exposed on turrets to dock, so you can have you core where ever your want and your turrets will be able to dock by anchor to docking module.

    2: Being able to fly and build your ship by entering a cockpit would be a great asset for Starmade, this way people don't have to worry where there core is places and have to spend half their time getting to it. This intern would let players make beautiful cores in their ships using the ship core as the centre, also have it completely covered the whole point of a cockpit is you can get into it.

    3: A magnetic block that you could change the poles of each block to + or - and neutral. So let's say you have two of these magnetic block if one set to + and one set to - they would attracted, but if you change the one of them to the opposite they would repel. Blocks would be added to them if you have one of the block selected like a weapons computer and each block would become connected to the magnet block.

    You could make sliding hanger doors and elevators that goes up and down or even side guns and pop out of the side of your ships or turrets that come out of your ship.

    The way the repelled magnetic block would stop would be just putting hull in its path, another good feature that would be great on this subject would the change of speed they repel or attract at. Also there could be two ways to change frequencies one would be pressing R on the block and you will have the option to change frequencies, the second option is in the next suggestion.

    4: A computer block and wireless receiver and remote, if you have played Minecraft and the mod Computer Craft it would be the same thing but you would have 1 computer instead of the whole set up. In this computer you would type a script that you could assign what the program would do for example: you could connect the wireless receiver to one of the magnetic blocks to change its frequency using the script you have typed up. You could also put in the script what keys you would like to assign it to so let's say you're flying your ship, you press let's say Ctrl+k and this would open the gun bay doors and then two massive AMC's come out from the side of your ship and then you can fire.

    You also use this computer and wireless receiver to control AI's like assign the AI to follow your main ship by having the wireless receiver the AI ship and the computer on yours, but after a distant it would cut out if you get to far away from it.

    Another thing you could do would be making the elevators using the script like you could press Ctrl+1, then 1 of the magnetic blocks would change its frequency and move a platform and when it reaches to level one of your ship it would go neutral and stop.

    One last thing on this subject would be the remote the remote would be used to navigate your ship back to you could make a script for the ship to move back to the player.

    The reason why I have added the wireless remotes because there has to be a limit like you can only use hot keys that assigned to your ship if you're a couple of meters from it.

    5: Camera's that helps you to see the side of your ship or the back. This would help with aligning your ship up to park in a hanger.

    6: Not a block but a fix a fix to remove turret module indicator I think turrets should be able to fit where ever they want I'm sick the message saying the dock is obstructed by a block also remove the distance between the ship and the turret or platform and scaffolding there is always a one block space then if you try to fill it, it will say obstructed and the block can't be placed there

    7: Compressed blocks basically smaller block made for finer detail and stuff.

    8: creative mode and a feature that lets you move your core without having to build your ship all over again if you make a mistake.

    9: More weapons like Gatling guns that you need ammo for and Particle cannons that have to charge up and then they fire a big beam that takes out everything also anti missiles would be great.

    10: Moving parts like pistons and rotating blocks, you could make some amazing stuff with them like real moving engines or even grappler arms that would grab things for attack ships by hitting them. You could use the computer block to make grappler arms move and punch

    11: A new docking module that will let you us the power and thrusters and weapon of another ship along with your own ship if one of them are dock to the other. This will give players to make thruster rings and such then undock from them to make their ship lighter.

    12: Grappling hooks to anchor to asteroids, to tow or stop a ship from moving the mount of times my ship has been hit by one of my friends it would be nice if they could fire some grappling hooks to grap hold of it and reel it in .

    13: More hull colours also a few more building blocks like slabs, fences and inverted wedges.

    Well this is all I have which I have found people wanting share with everyone send it to schema so he will have a look at it.
    Oct 31, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    +++ #12

    A grapeling hook/tractor beam would be outstanding for helping my friends recover damaged ships.
    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    Have a look at this feature page for what he has planned and some of your ideas are already there.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Are you aware that right shift frees the camera. You can use this with some other features like shift+mousewheel to expand your view. PS: If you hit L-shift while holding R-shift you will remain in free camera mode.