Graphical Issue: All surfaces/entities are completely black

    Mar 14, 2015
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    Hi! I'm new to the game and looking forward to buying it, but I'd like to get all the kinks/bugs out between my computer and the game before I buy StarMade. The issue I'm having is that every entity, surface, and block besides the background and target markers is displayed in complete black. I'm able to move my character and look around the black objects to check their size, but cannot see what anything is. I've been able to "blind-walk" my way through the tutorial to the point where I enter the ship, but I don't want to wreck it by being unable to see anything. I've been trying to fix it for hours by adjusting settings, re-installing, repairing, and switching versions, but nothing's fixed it. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    I've attached an example of my game screen as well as the connection setup menu.
    CPU: Intel i7 4-core 2.10GHz
    GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7730M
    Memory: 8GB
    System: Windows 7 64-bit

    Thanks in advance! Looking forward to joining the StarMade community!


    Jul 17, 2013
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    open the graphcisinfo.txt from starmade/logs and see if it lists the intel or amd drivers.
    (if you are not sure add the file here)
    if it is the intel you have to switch to the amd gpu manualy for java
    i cant tell you how that works, i do not have a laptop that does require that.
    But i found a YT video that maybe helpful (if it is, please tel me and i will use it on tips in the future)

    in case it uses the amd gpu already : please add your graphcisinfo.txt and settings.cfg (in starmade folder) so i can check
    Mar 14, 2015
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    The graphcisinfo.txt says the renderer is the AMD card. My laptop does run Switchable Graphics, and I've tried both the secondary Intel HD Graphics 4000 card as well as the AMD card. The Intel GPU (which primarily serves basic computer functions) gave me a warning saying that the processor is too slow to run the game properly. I used Switchable Graphics (which I used in order to run the game) to pass the process to the AMD GPU, which results in the issue I previously posted.

    Still dealing with the same issue today. Here's the files.


    Jul 17, 2013
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    uhmss ... that is weird .. the grafics info states you are using the Intel Drivers (very old ones by the version number) and the AMD card as renderer ... that should not be the case. It should run entirely on the AMD GPU.
    Did you try those powerplan things described in the video ?
    Have to ask someone how the grafics info from a dual GPU latop with AMD looks like if it is working properly. Yours looks very unexpected.
    Mar 14, 2015
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    Switchable Graphics is the "powerplan" option for my computer.
    My guess is it probably registers both as being used because of it.
    But either way, don't worry about it. I'll try this game again in a few months once it's compatible with my graphics card. At this point it's not playable for me, and I can go to other games. At least I gave it a try. It looks like a good game.