Glitchy Ships

    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I've noticed a few bugs regarding ships.

    1. Sometimes, the screen will freeze and so will my speed. Moving with the arrow keys results in a changed speed, and holding shift decreases the speed, but I'm not actually moving, and I can't turn. Everything just locks up. If I exit the ship, it appears as a ghost until I relog.

    2. Ships are somehow able to get out of alignment with the server, so the client thinks the ship is somewhere that it really isn't. This is clear when you try to dock a ship and a friend asks you why you're shooting your docking beam into space, when really on your own screen you're pointing it at the docking module.

    3. When a sector becomes unloaded, large docked ships have a strange tendency to sink 5-10 blocks down into the dock, which causes major lag when they are undocked.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    I can confirm both issues, first one I already posted:
    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    It\'s escalated. Every time I undock a ship and leave the sector, I get the bug. PVP is now unbearable because I can\'t undock a ship to defend my base without fear of it locking up and my enemies destroying it unfairly.
    Jun 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    the ghosting ships are already being adressed along with other problematic bugs that can be seen on the starmade news. As for docking... it is as broken as the collision. heck the lag spikes are from the collision which can also crash your game. both the docking and collision need to be fixed very quickly. turret docking seems to be a good alternative because they do less of these issues although the boxes around them that state the size max is a bit off and id suggest a few blocks in between each one to prevent more collision problems. Also the docking beam problem normaly is just because the server has a lot of lag. (Normaly not always)