General Ideas

    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    ----General ideas that I think would better the game, significantly----

    These are just my opinions. I have a couple of friends I play with, and they like the ideas, too, so I thought I'd post them.

    1. Why use energy tanks?
    Per my opinion, Ship Cores should only be able to store 1K energy, and power cores should not be capable of generating more than the ship's current maximum per second. Furthermore, when a ship's power depletes, it should take a moment to boot back into order, and be operable again. This would make power tanks useful.

    2. Anti Matter Cannons
    It's not how most people say, they shouldn't blatantly be nerfed. Anti Matter Cannons should have their damage towards shields stay the same, and their damage towards blocks reduced by some some large percentage, say 80%? On that same note, Anti Matter Cannons should exist otherwise, but what Anti Matter Cannons are right now should simply be renamed Plasma Cannons.

    3. Ballistic Cannon
    Something should be made like the Anti Matter Cannon which is the opposite. Good hull damage, but maybe 80% DR against shields.

    4. Electrostatic Rockets
    There should be some form of rockets, I don't care which as I can't stand using any kind of lock on, which have like 99% DR against hull, but do MASSIVE damage to shields and hit at multiple points.

    5. Salvage Cannons
    This is by no means that big of a deal, but I just think Salvage Cannons would be better named "Mining Lasers".

    6. Disintegrators
    Even though this point's title is Disintegrators, my real point is what I thought disintegrators were before I equipped 400 of them. There should be something like Salvage Cannons, but can be used for harvesting non-overheated ships at a drastically slower rate. It should be ineffective while the enemy has shields, though.

    7. Landscouring
    This seems like the kind of thing that most people wouldn't want, but I have no idea. I don't socialize much. I think, though, that it would be fantastic if gameplay started on a planet, which had to be colonized and stuffs, and you had to research technology and eventually build airplanes which couldn't leave the planet because they wouldn't have strong enough thrusters, after which you would eventually get to where you could fly into space and then what is normally Starmade. Of course, in ANY case, for this to be possible to work correctly, planets would have to be bigger, and items should be common to the point of.. Well.. As opposed to a dime a dozen, the game's items are currently a dime a trillion.
    Jul 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    I agree with all of these, except I have on suggestion for the AMC. If isntead of doing a fraction of damge to hull, how about isntead, Hardened Hull shares 90% of all incoming damage with all connected Hardend Hulls, and 1 armor of regular Hull (as long the block being damage has >15% health). Then make it so AMC arrays have a DESCREASING fire rate, based on additional AMC blocks. This will require AMC arrays of roughly 2,500 blocks to single-shot hardened hull blocks - of course, a huge chunk of that damage is still damaging the ship, just in a less direct way (make battles more about disabling the enemy ship, not just drilling to the core).

    The Ballistics cannon should, instead of sharing 90% of it\'s damage, share only like 50% damage, have less overall DPS, but actually removes blocks as it hits them, and are deflected by shields.

    Along with Power Tanks idea, I suggest requiring any system that uses power, to actually be connected to power via Power Blocks or Power Tanks, so it\'ll be much easier to disable systems by blowing up their incoming power line (and will promote building small, back-up generators for individual emergency systems, like gravity and thrusters.)
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Sheilds and forcefields if made properly react in different ways towards different types of weapons. Energy weapons overheat sheilds, causeing malfunction or even the need to re-make the sheilds. Kinnectics use brute force, physically removing sheilds while not making them non-functional.

    And i have a titan, with am cannons. It does about 3000 damage per a cannon per a shot. That takes nearly 50 million power a shot and the current recharge limmit is 1 million before recharge just becomes shit. I have about a forth my ships mass in powertanks and that makes it actually work with the exception of taking 20 minutes to recharge the over ten billion power