Game Mode Suggestion: Fully crewed ships.

    Feb 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    First of all: sorry if this has been suggested before: was too lazy to search.

    Now, my idea: a gamemode where each starship needs a full crew in order to function. Each ship has a captain class, tactical, medical, engineering, ect, and everybody has their function (think: Artemis.) This game mode, would feature:

    • Man/man combat, phasers, hand to hand, that sort of thing. You could use your ships torpedoes to weaken or disable the enemy ship's shielding, allowing you to teleport an amount of your crew into it to engage the enemy directly, or sabotage its systems. Disabling the shields entirely increases the chance of a successful teleport.

    • In-game voicechat, to facilitate the issuing of orders, and ship to ship communication "Open a channel with the enemy vessel! Tell them to cease fire at once or prepare for annihilation."

    • Always-on (unless disabled,) gravity on each ship, when boarding another ship you enter their gravity (if its on.) You'd need a way to move in such a way that you can align yourself with the ship you're in though, like when you hold control while piloting a ship. Also movement would be more realistic in a zero-G environment: when you let go of the forward key you don't stop moving.

    • More expensive resources, limits to ship size. You shouldn't be able to make a ship that is mostly just a GIGANTIC pile of thrusters, power generators, and missile blocks. Plus your crewmen need to be able to move around the ship to get to their posts and such; can't be TOO big.

    • Player-built, player-owned starbases, ships can go here to trade, refuel, make repairs, or just to park up for a while and stay safe while they make heavy ship modifications.

    These ideas are not well thought out (indeed, I'm practically half asleep right now,) so I'd love some comments, suggestions, criticisms, additions, ect.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    \"Man/man combat, phasers, hand to hand, that sort of thing. You could use your ships torpedoes to weaken or disable the enemy ship\'s shielding, allowing you to teleport an amount of your crew into it to engage the enemy directly, or sabotage its systems. Disabling the shields entirely increases the chance of a successful teleport.\"
    I agree completely on the points of man to man combat. Going from fighting from the cockpit of hulking beasts of war and exploration to just you and your vulneable self defending from a plague of enemy soldiers would be a neat experience. As usual, though, there may be a few problems that could get in the way. With how ship cores are set up, smaller vessels, even things up to destroyer-sized craft (250-500 mass) have no actual interior besides the core. I like this idea though, as it would deepen larger battles quite a bit.
    It\'s drawback are quite steep though. Larger fights would have fewer vessels because there would be less pilots and more boarding parties.
    \"In-game voicechat, to facilitate the issuing of orders, and ship to ship communication \"Open a channel with the enemy vessel! Tell them to cease fire at once or prepare for annihilation.\"\'
    This. It needs to happen. I\'d say no public voice chat though, just faction/requested voice-chat. Public or zone voice-chat would be very annoying and slightly atmosphere-breaking.
    \"More expensive resources, limits to ship size. You shouldn\'t be able to make a ship that is mostly just a GIGANTIC pile of thrusters, power generators, and missile blocks. Plus your crewmen need to be able to move around the ship to get to their posts and such; can\'t be TOO big.\"
    Back when I played EVE Online I always enjoyed running around the space-ports in my speedy little destroyer or cruiser and watching the big capital vessels pass by. They were slow, hulking monsters, but the sense of scale they added to the game was thrilling. Now, imagine that you had that same sense of scale... But instead of capital ships making smaller craft obsolete, we gave smaller crast the mechanics and tools to hurt capital vessel by exploiting their weaknesses: Lack of maneuverability, clumsiness, and a requirement for support craft.
    Now, as for more expensive resources, that\'s a no-brainer, but right now Schema is working more on adding features and squishing bugs than balancing numbers. It\'s good to keep reminders going, though.
    \"Player-built, player-owned starbases, ships can go here to trade, refuel, make repairs, or just to park up for a while and stay safe while they make heavy ship modifications.\"
    Build blocks can be used (select them on your hotbar and press B so deploy them like a ship core) to create immobile... Well, immobile anything, really. What I really like is how you implied player shops or some other form of trading. That would rock.
    Feb 4, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
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    Wow the forums seems to have blown away my post; so I\'ll try again;
    How about having prefab\'d ships that the captain and crew (or at least the captain, scew the crew :P) could choose and use that as a starting point? It would solve the issue of having the build the thing (from scratch) or having to gut a previous ship that may not have been made with that intention in mind.

    This is makes me wonder though; how much of this is already possible? I believe that multiple people can \"use\" a ship so long as each uses a separate computer (dunno about the cockpit though) and I do know that chat is available but AFAIK no faction chat. Ship-wise, AFAIK we\'ve have a ship-gigantism \"problem\" and (player willing) one could easily convert it into the ship of your needs.
    Just one question though, as it pertains to starmade; what would the function of the captain (let along the medical officer) do? Just have a station and give out the orders with no direct \"connection\" to the ship? It probably be same for the medical officer except s/he be the only able to operate the medical equipment.
    I realy like this idea (may have to blog about it) as it stands I like building ships that work best in tandem and with multiple peoples this was something I was going to mention but people keep beating me to the punch haha
    Dec 30, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    lol, all nice ideas ^^

    So far, I think that if schema doesn\'t hurry, he won\'t finish the chosen good suggestions this year o_O
    Feb 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    A member could perform multiple roles I guess, or you could make it like in TF2, where there\'s always _somebody_ who needs medical attention, and a medic could carry a weapon too. The captain could do whatever he wants, really, but he would still need to give orders or the ship would be in chaos..

    Here\'s a way it could work: aside from the captains position, your class is mostly determined by what equpiment you carry. Everyone gets a standard-issue weapon, and the combat class crew get better stuff, if you carry a medkit you can heal people, but a medic has stronger stuff, things like that.
    Feb 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    A member could perform multiple roles I guess, or you could make it like in TF2, where there\'s always _somebody_ who needs medical attention, and a medic could carry a weapon too. The captain could do whatever he wants, really, but he would still need to give orders or the ship would be in chaos..

    Here\'s a way it could work: aside from the captains position, your class is mostly determined by what equpiment you carry. Everyone gets a standard-issue weapon, and the combat class crew get better stuff, if you carry a medkit you can heal people, but a medic has stronger stuff, things like that.
    There\'d be a limit to how much you can carry, of course.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Great idea, crew would be amazing, and ships that are too big crash my game and sometimes corupt some files so i have to redownload the game to get it to let me start it again. Limits on size are deffinitly needed, and hailing would be an awesome thing.

    Great Ideas!