Game Mechanics and Block Groupings

    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I know this is a very n00bish question, but I have been searching through google and I can't find anything of much help. It all just confuses me more or doesn't give me the whole idea. I'm lost as to how the mechanics of this game work, specifically the grouping of blocks. I've seen the page in the help tab on this subject, but it could use some expanding in order for it to all make sense to me. The biggest thing I don't understand is power, though I don't really get any of it. If anyone could give me a link of a page that explains this, or maybe explain to me how these things work, I'd be forever greatful.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'ve seen that video, and I\'m still in the dark on the whole patterning thing. I have no way of knowing if I\'m doing any of this right.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I too have a question because my antimatter cannons are in seperate rows of 40 and I have enough power to fire them, but for some reason it only fires one railgun and only shows up as 178 damage. The number doesn\'t increase when adding more or removing less it just eats energy. Could this be a bug?
    Aug 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey guys,

    I\'ve been doing alot of looking into the way systems work and have been collecting data for a therough explantion of all systems. It\'ll likely be a few more weeks of testing for me to be sure everything i theorize is in fact true.

    - Placing power blocks in long 1x1 lines is very efficient
    - other configurations are \"L\" shapes, corners, or 3D crosses

    Power Tanks:
    - these guys works in any configurations as long as they \"ALL\", and i mean it all of them, have to be part of the same group, meaning touching face to face. you can connect several groups together with 1x1 lines for efficiency.

    AMC (Anti-matter cannons):
    - need to be linked to a weapons computer.
    - each group is considered one cannon
    - several seperate groups means severals seperate cannons (no touching faces)
    - benefit from the same configuratios as power (but i haven\'t tried them out as theroughly)
    - even though it isn\'t as efficient, it is more compact to just make solid blocks of them and still get a pretty good benefit out of it.

    - work alot like Power Tanks, make them touch and it should be good

    - from what i can see it\'s just the ammount you have, no paticular configuration is best in the scales i have tried.

    these are the observations, i\'ve made so far.
    i hope it helps.