galactic happenings and phenominon

    Jun 8, 2014
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    was wondering schema if you will ever add any space phenomenons in the game like electric storms, radioactive clouds, or black holes. the electric storm will fri the power to the ship, the radioactive cloud will eat away at it like when you go to the sun, and black hols would destroy the ship all together. it would be nice to have something like this every so often in the game, and to have shielding that wold protect from such phenomenon. this would also be a very good in battle for strategic purposes, like putting a base there or like having a battle in the phenomenon and the person with the best shielding against it will have an advantage in battle. just wondering
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    Aug 30, 2013
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    It would be interesting if every few systems, instead of a normal sun, there was a red giant, a nebula, or black hole (probably rare). I'm not sure about all the effects you suggest, but things like short sensor range in the nebula, lots of gravity around black hole would be cool.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Wanted for a while now. There us so much potential to be added to the game with this, but it would of course require tons of effort. However, the universe is being 'reworked' apparently so we might get some stuff.

    Some could be different but easy to implement, such as different types of sun.
    Aug 11, 2013
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    I believe an old version of the game did have a blackhole or wormhole. It may just have been the graphical effect though, and not done anything.
    Im sure theres a youtube video of it, but im on my phone and cant be bothered to look for it.

    Edit: I got on my pc, here it is:
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    Jun 19, 2014
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    The effect of the black hole is still floating around in the game file, maybe it will get added in the universe overhaul? I also hope that the sun becomes physical and damages players, because you can just avoid being killed by flying in astronaut mode for a while,