FullMetalFox gave me this idea, ty.
Sorry for the Tic-Tac ad 
Just imagine you could slip from L-point to L-point,
If you are still not happy with this suggestion,
it would be an unique FTL-method unlike to any other games - consider this!
But I would not go so far to limit entry/exit points to there, just so far as to limit the available routes to space equal or lower in "height" (height as in the picture showing the langrange points).

Just imagine you could slip from L-point to L-point,
preserving speed while eliminating your mass by shifting it into a parallel dimension,
thus eliminating the light-speed-limit and most of the inertia.
But completely without inertia, you would be sucked right into the next object.thus eliminating the light-speed-limit and most of the inertia.
You would be nothing more than a "space-particle" following solely the movement of space-time which we perceive as gravitation.
If the effect ends, you are drawn back into normal space and limited by the speed of light.Afterwards, you have the very same potential energy reduced to (speed of light / your speed)%,
afterwards the (linear->exponential) inertial energy rule gets applied
(which will quickly slow you down as you lost most of your speed to the light-limit)
afterwards the (linear->exponential) inertial energy rule gets applied
(which will quickly slow you down as you lost most of your speed to the light-limit)
If you are still not happy with this suggestion,
it would be an unique FTL-method unlike to any other games - consider this!
This would reduce the points in a system where enemies are able to appear, thus giving these sectors a high defensive value (choke-points)Thought about that, but abandoned the idea of an Autopilot or Route Planer for the sake of simplicity and travel time, now i base my work on the idea of using L-Points as simple entry and exit points, meaning that you could use any L-Point as exit as long as its in range of your drives max range, that would also increase the importance of large jump drives beyond mearly a short charge time.
But I would not go so far to limit entry/exit points to there, just so far as to limit the available routes to space equal or lower in "height" (height as in the picture showing the langrange points).
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