The problem is that the code to handle ship turning is bad. What happens is the ship starts turning towards the cursor, then the game draws a frame, and by the time the game has drawn a frame the ship has turned too far. After that the ship starts turning in the opposite direction even faster, and the same thing happens again, until you\'re in a \"infinite speed wobble of brokeness\" turning rapidly in opposite directions and/or spinning out of control. Basically, player input and ship handling is tied to frame rate when it shouldn\'t be.
The solution is to either increase your frame rate to work around the game\'s bad code; or reduce your ship\'s turning speed (e.g. by making it larger) to work around the game\'s bad code. Another solution is to set \"TURNING_DIMENSION_SCALE\" setting in the server\'s configuration to something lower to work around the game\'s bad code.
Also note that as far as I can tell the code to convert ships/stations/shops/planets (\"segments of blocks\") into 3D meshes for the video card is also bad; and fails to merge adjacent polygons into a single polygon where possible, and also doesn\'t do more than basic hidden surface removal. The end result of this is that the game pushes much more work onto the video card than necessary.
For example, for a 10*10*10 cube of hardened hulls with a 3*3*3 hollow area in the middle, the game asks the video card to draw (10*10) * 6 polygons for the exterior plus (3*3)*6 polygons for the interior (681 polygons total). However (with better code) if you\'re outside the cube the game could combine all the exterior textures for each face so that there\'s only one larger polygon per face (6 total) and not bother with the interior at all; and if you\'re inside the cube (in the hollow bubble) the game could combine all the interior textures for each face and not bother with the exterior at all. Of course this applies to vertices as well as polygons - they\'d both be (potentially) several orders of magnitude worse than they could be; which means that you need a much more powerful video card to cope with all of the polygons/vertices that the game (unnecessarily) throws at it.
Basically, the game\'s code is bad and the game\'s code is bad and the game\'s code is bad (and the game\'s code is buggy too). This is why the game is alpha.
The problem has nothing to do with crappy hardware (the crappy hardware just makes the game\'s bad code seem worse).