Flooring (Small suggestion)

    Jan 5, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    This suggestion is relatively small. It may have been suggested before, but I looked, and did not find anything too similar to this.

    My idea is as follows: There could be a special block designed with the sole intention of serving as decking plates. This block would be little more than something to hold you up with gravity initiated, and would be used as normal flooring. Of course, you ask, why not just use regular hull? Well, using regular hull adds mass, which in turn means that ships require more engines. More engines require more power. So adding simple floors could be beneficiary to people that want to keep their ships fast and lightweight, but still have an interior. Such a block would weigh almost nothing (in terms of mass), or perhaps would weigh (mass) nothing at all. And to balance it out, it would have almost no armor or anything along those lines.

    So people could have their delicate interiors without all the added mass that normal hulls provide. Now, some of you may think "Hey, adding a block to the interior of my ship that has almost no health will just make it easier for people to core me in a fight! Once they get past my normal hull, I'm done for! I need normal hulls in my flooring!" That's a great idea, except that with the current gravity system, if you do have an interior, an enemy could simply shoot you from the side, therefore bypassing your floors.

    Perhaps these blocks could be used for walls as well. They would be colored, just like normal and hardened hulls, for aesthetics. They would also be relatively cheap, and come in bulk.

    I know it's not that a big of an issue. I've seen massive ships with a crapton of interior flooring in the way of normal hulls, and they move fine. It just seems to me that it makes more sense to make floors and walls out of something that wouldn't be introduced to the harsh vacuum of space like hull metal.

    Comments and criticisms welcome, though condescension is the weak man's tool.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5

    Somewhere there has to be my suggestion of blocks which are painted from the inside, passable by players and only show the sides which not open.

    EDIT: here it is: star-made.org/content/allow-crawling-through-jefferies-tubes-blocks-painted-inside