FlexLift "Ghosting"

    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Not sure if this has been posted before, but I've noticed this happening lately. When activating a FlexLift (found in spacestations); if you activate it, then a second person reactivates it once you're a ways up - it occasionally resets the position (as I believe is intended) but leaves a ghost of the lift which is solid, thus blocking the tube almost fully.

    Secondly, and I'm not sure if I'm too simpleminded to use the FlexLift, I've found myself having to remove them in space stations that I opt for GraviModules in simply because of how frequently I fall THROUGH the platform whilst it's ascending.

    Sorry again if this has already been noted/rectified,

    Many Thanks,

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'ve never seen any ghosting but I\'ve noticed that if you have a too long plex lift it goes to fast and the player clips through the lift and falls down again. Might still work if you\'re in space and outside a gravity field though.

    I tried to build a lift from a planet to a Space Station but it was impossible to use it because I just clipped through the lift. Another interesting thing I noted was that the planets gravity field expanded up to the lift and around it so the space station got the planets gravity.


    The Devious Traitor
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Yea i\'ve seen it to when trying to make a Space elevator from a planet. It ruined the whole idea and had to BLAST it away.. Didnt work but was fun :P
    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    I\'ve seen this too, and from my observations I think it\'s a local client glitch. First of all, other people can\'t see the ghost when it happens (I\'ve tried to show it to people and they couldn\'t see or touch it). Also, restarting your client should get rid of the ghost, even in a multiplayer server. Finally, the weirdest thing about the ghost is that it seems to attach to its \"current sector coordinates\", by which I mean that if you go into any other sector, the ghost will magically appear in that sector at whatever relative location it was in its origin sector. It\'s particularly interesting when you get one in the middle of your sector, then fly off somewhere and then end up flying past the ghost over and over again. It\'s kinda creepy tbh.