Fleet formations

    Oct 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    This is amazing. I did some fidling around with my carrier, after updating my starmade installation and I discovered that...if you set any other ship as the mothership and give the "carrier recall" command the ships will still go for the relative positions.

    And whats better is that after they reach their positions they will follow as if they were in the normal formation mode.

    The drawback is that you have to manually define the positions and keep them well far from each other to avoid collisions, but overall it's still an amazing and exciting bug/feature.

    SCHINE, don't touch this!
    But if you do... improve this!

    (Btw I don't know if any one else has discovered this and talked about it, if so then ignore this)
    Feb 21, 2015
    Reaction score
    Better systems for fleet formation and attack orders would be a MASSIVE improvement to the current game...
    Feb 21, 2015
    Reaction score
    Some quick thoughts I have had (and others also in Suggestions) at times regarding this:

    Fleet Command Block > allows for access to 'advanced fleet controls'

    Advanced fleet controls > e.g.
    -Designate target preference paths (eg smallest mass first vs largest mass first, attack selected until new target designated)
    -Designate 'defend' target (remain with x- distance of chosen)
    -Designate 'repair' / give power / give shields to target (aim relevant systems at chosen)
    -Designate behaviors (attack at 1000m, stay at max range, retreat at x-shield damage)
    -Designate Patrol (manually enter 2 or more co-ords to cycle squad between)
    -Formations >> using something like a simplified grid version of ship-yard VR space >> place/specify squad positions at one entity per grid square in desired 'ideal' formation >>> this gives a 'master XYZ offset' for the real-space positioning of fleet ships
    (would require the VR grid positions to be translated to real-space actual bounding boxes of actual ship dimensions (+ a bit), to avoid continual collision checks for example - and probably has ugly maths :/)

    (These are not really intended to deal with some other core AI issues, but obviously would be looking at some reworking)

    Super Advanced Fleet/Robot AI controls >>>

    Logic- based 'Command Trees' and sequences, to build pre-determined 'robotic' behaviors with strings of code-like commands (perhaps entered into Display connected to Fleet) ....not going to try to explain the inspiration for this idea here(actually a tabletop game c.1990 :O), but end result would be strings like;

    "if/ enemy target distance/ value X / AND/ enemy shield %/ LESS THAN/value X / and/ own armour %/ MORE THAN/ value X/ THEN/ set engagement distance/ value X ."

    a more complicated string might add ;

    "OR/if/ enemy target mass/ MORE THAN/value X/ THEN/ set engagement distance/max weapon range/ OR/ IF/ own shields/ LESS THAN/ value X/ return to base".

    these strings might even be constructed as interchange programs, using the kinds of logic-block computers already existing in Community Content, even for an 'IT systems' role on multiple-player controlled titan or faction (eek).

    I am sure this just sounds painful to some, but I think this kind of 'do-it-yourself' coding fits very well with what I think of as a 'StarMade Ethos.' and what makes StarMade stand head-and-shoulders above some other games. For example the various excellent logic circuits and devices out there already (well done chaps!). In particular this kind of 'advanced coding' allows players who get a kick from this kind of thing to heavily customize AI behaviors, and reap any rewards (or losses) for their efforts. It might offer some interesting 'Robotics' beyond CPU AI. However, none of that AI customization would actually required to play, and indeed the basic aspects should be pretty easy for any player to implement (or indeed ignore completely and focus on other play-styles)

    anyway just my 2 pence worth...(bearing in mind that i have no idea of the actual computational impacts such insanity might have in-game/on severs) :)
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