Fixed Shop idea (and others)


    Director-General, EDY
    Oct 5, 2013
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    Now that I've lured you in with my seemingly innocent title, watch me beat this dead horse I've named "Hypergates". (The shop idea is actully real, it's just second on my list)

    1) Hypergates, stargates Wormholes, etc. ad perpetuum. A seemingly simple idea for the simple minded (if you're reading this, no offense), an artificial structure or natural phenomenon that seemingly and magically ("Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic" Arthur C. Clarke) "transports" you across vast amounts space in no time at all. Useful when you have long distances to go. Of course how would one implement it?

    Hypergate block/engine block. They could work on a similar principle as docking/turret blocks, the bigger you build, the larger the ship that can "fit" through. Of course, they will need substantial power generators, and your ship will need its' own block so it can "communicate" with the gate. This way you can turn regular stations into hubs with 4 gates apiece, what with all those power generators just LYING there.

    Keep in mind, you can only go between 2 friendly gates, and truly massive ships will need truly massive gates.

    2) The problem I've encountered with shops is, when I've got a factory block at work, and alot of product is coming out, I can't sell shit because the shop only takes so much before saying "no more!". Of course, then I come back to the shop a few hours later and it is still full, and then when I come to new servers, all the shops nearby have been plundered, nothing left. SOLUTION: Trade ships. Aren't the mobs called "Trade Federation" or something? I personally don't piss them off too often so I don't know for sure. My idea is that shops that have too much or too little goods send out a "distress call". A large bulky block of a ship shows up, and takes away the too much and refills the too little. Then it returns to where ever it came from (preferably not too far away, eh?), lets call it a "trade base". The kicker is that for whatever amount of time the shop has too much or too little, the price for that good changes. Every 30 minutes or so, the shops reset and now have a random amount of everything again and the trade ships goto work. This keeps in constant supply and demand, personal servers will be less than completely empty, and a new source for raiding comes into play :).

    3) Signs: Think Minecraft, little sign posts that you can put up to direct yourself or visitors on bases. "Engine Room", "Main Hanger", "Crew Quarters" (for those who truly enjoy making realistic ships).

    4) Lockable doors. I think this one is a minecraft mod, but a version the plex door that locks with a 4 digit code. Discourages boarders from trying to take over ships, or griefers from stealing them while you're off server.

    5) More factions. Trade federation and pirates can get a bit boring after a while. Have different factions that are constantly fighting eachother or some such, and then you and your new titan class show up and end the battle, LOL.
    Sep 18, 2013
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    I agree with all of your points but 5), because I, for one, am not so much of a PvE guy.

    Though I don\'t know of any confirmed signs of signs, I\'m sure they\'ll be implemented eventually. Just let me tell you I miss them desperately. I\'d also love to see signs of different sizes, maybe expanding by adding more blocks adjacent to each other. At some scale you could just write with whole blocks, but 2x1, 4x4 and sizes alike would be awesome.

    About those doors; you can lock them by faction blocks. This I found incredibly impractical at public stations, but it works.
    Sep 30, 2013
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    Shops do restock on credits fairly often, but no items. I would like it if shops restock on blocks and stuff every once and a while, cause on severs they are commonly out of most items. The game still has some flaws since it\'s in alpha, so i understand.


    Director-General, EDY
    Oct 5, 2013
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    Warp drives ARE planned? I guess the site getting spammed by that request fianlly annoyed \'em enough. Don\'t suppose you\'ve got the link to where they say it?
    Sep 8, 2013
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    I\'m not sure of the source of warp drives or whatever, but I think that there is some sort of fast travel planned, but I don\'t think there\'s a plan for WHAT or HOW yet.

    Personally, your idea is the best we can get. I also think that the Hypergates should have a minimum jump distance of like, 25km, let it be a server.cfg option too.

    That\'s just so that there\'s still a lot of space in between where you can fly around, and the gates aren\'t spammed.


    The Devious Traitor
    Jun 21, 2013
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    instead of adding more, Make the 2 factions more present in your space. make them more active. Make them SMARTER!


    Director-General, EDY
    Oct 5, 2013
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    That could work. I was actually having a curious moment the other day. I was designing a new ship based upon the \"Mushroom\" design, and I look down (relative to my own ship) and I see several mob ships casually flying away. I look in my navigation and there were several nearby, some still, others moving. Maybe they\'re already implementing your suggestion.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    While playing singleplayer recently I found a station, and within minutes there was no less than about 50 Trade Guild ships trying to squeeze themselves into the 4 \'hangars\', which froze the game. Strangely, after about a minute the game resumed, but all the Trade Guild NPCs had vanished, without a trace...
    Sep 7, 2013
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    Are you kidding? I spawned and got ownded by 23 (counted) pirate ships. its worse than hard in plains biome with no \"mobs cannot spawn within this distance of you\" rule.
    Jul 23, 2013
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    I am fond of both Warp Drives and Warp Gates(or Hypergates).

    Copied from my other post here.

    I\'m fond of both systems mentioned above. Perhaps only ships up to a certain size can use a Warp Drive. Capital Ship(or anyone else, not size dependent) would need to use the Warp Gate system as \"Warping\" space around bigger ships could require many thousands of times more energy than smaller ships. Warp Gates would need to be more or less a Station. With generators, a crew to maintain/upgrade, and a squad of fighter pilots to defend it, et cetera.

    Warp, in the system above, wouldn\'t be instant travel, just really fast(relatively). Warp Gates(Transwarp Conduit) would be instant, but have massive energy requirements and a charge up time of quite possibly many minutes.

    In Star Trek Voyager, I believe they ended up getting back to the alpha quadrant by using a system of \"Warp Gates\"(Transwarp Conduit) that the Borg were using to have a presence in all four quadrants of the galaxy. They had Warp capabilities but the galaxy was just too big. At maximum Warp for Voyager, which had a Class-9 Warp Drive and a maximum sustainable speed of Warp 9.975(appx 4364c), it was going to take 70 years to get back to the alpha quadrant.

    For added balance, why not also have different tiers of Warp Drives. Like above, Voyager had a Class-9 drive indicating previous models.

    Edit: If Warp Drives are the only thing used, and this is my opinion, I thought it would be cool if the Warp System of the ships had to be assembled. One block for each component of the system(more info here scroll down to \"Parts of the System\"). For bigger ships like a Capital Ship, the system could be scaled up using more of each block. Just thought it would be cool so I added this in an edit.